[governance] RE: organizational orientation

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Wed May 28 21:09:18 EDT 2008

Milton L Mueller [28/05/08 16:50 -0400]:
>RIRs are barely on the agenda here, though of course I wish more of us
>were involved in that too. (By the way, a newcomer from this list
>recently made a comment on the ARIN list and was instantly attacked by
>Randy Bush. There was nothing particularly wrong or controversial about

There's one difference, Milton. Randy's done a lot for the Internet (and
the Internet in developing countries too). In fact if volume of work done
were to be calculated, he's done far more for the internet, than you've
played icann politics (not to mention that his work's actually produced
some valuable output rather than mere hot air and poison..).

He is also far less reluctant to call a spade a spade than most. Which
doesnt really equate to tribalism.

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