[governance] Help create the .nyc Internet space for New York
Peter Dambier
peter at peter-dambier.de
Sat Mar 1 19:03:58 EST 2008
No, for me, as an individual there cannot be enough.
Today the ccTLD's are useless. People have to move worldwide wherever
they can get a job. Many countrys have restrictions. You have to
live there ...
So only com, net, org are the primay TLDs of interest. That is only 3.
That is not enough.
Ok, to me mobil and aero do not make a lot of sense. Try get an
aero domain - even when you travel a lot.
biz? no, I am not a company and I dont understand what name is good for.
Being somewhat overweight tripple x would have made sense but I guess
that chance is gone.
On the other hand you are right. Forget everything but com.
Now you have got 80% that should be good enough. Tell your browser
to automatically add .com and everybody can have his own TLD.
If only DNS was not designed as a tree.
Kind regards
Sylvia Caras wrote:
> For me, a central part of the top level domain conversation is how
> many might there be. If there is to be a limit, .org, .com, .<CC>,
> ... then there's a discussion to have about where cities and which
> cities fit. If the number is to be very large, it's a different
> discussion, and I guess up to the lobbyist and purchaser.
> I find the current small number of top domains useful when I access a
> web site so that I have a bit of sense of where I am, who is the
> sponsor, ... Is that useful to others?
> How do many or few top level domains serve the individual user?
> Sylvia
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Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
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