Right to keep Parminder as coordinator (and right to work on IGC workshops) Re: [governance] rights based approach to the Internet
Meryem Marzouki
marzouki at ras.eu.org
Mon Apr 14 12:21:27 EDT 2008
Hi there,
Thanks to my interest in caipirinhas (I make the best ones in town,
even in a Brazilian town..), I've read Carlos's message and have thus
been alerted of this message from Suresh below, in a thread I
promised myself to read later, when I would have time.
Could you please Suresh not use us - or at least me - against
Parminder or anyone else here? Thanks.
Parminder has the right to argue in any substantive discussion, and
has proven at many occasion, that his substantive positions doesn't
prevent him to be the perfect coordinator that we need. Last
occasion, when preparing IGC statement to the IGF consultation of
February, I really admired his capacities to handle this, and if I
well remember, he was commended by many people for this.
So, let's stop this.
And let's concentrate first on defining the workshop where we have
consensus. Other workshops will be organized by other sponsors: the
IGC is not going to convene all IGF workshops!
Just in case some people haven't understood: we're trying to identify
workshop themes, not running the workshop discussions themselves:)
Le 14 avr. 08 à 16:00, Suresh Ramasubramanian a écrit :
> McTim [14/04/08 16:51 +0300]:
>> This is not even a bad caricature of what I have been expounding,
>> it's
>> a plain falsehood.
>> I DO tell you to trim your mails, but you never do.
>> As Bill said, not interested in spending time on conversations not
>> conducted in good faith.
> I dont know about bad faith but there is a definite communication
> gap here,
> and it is perhaps compounded by Parminder not being very aware of
> technical
> PDP issues.
> I would suggest that - entirely in the interest of consensus and
> meaning no
> disrespect to his CS credentials, or his excellent work in IT For
> Change,
> he recuse himself from his role as coordinator, and coordination be
> taken
> over by Bill Drake, Adam, Meryem, Jeanette Hoffman or some others
> on the
> list.
> suresh
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