[governance] Re: Russia plans to create independent web / internet

veni markovski veni at veni.com
Fri Oct 12 17:50:19 EDT 2007

It's becoming already like a game of a broken phone (which perhaps 
you haven't played in the US, as the phones don't break there ;)

The Russian translation is not accurate, at least not when citing the 
source of the "news". It's one thing to say, "sources in military 
uniform say this", and it's different to actually claim, "we learn 
that the Security Council of the Russian Federation has declared that 
Russia will create its own Web, in Cyrillic, "completely independent 
from the traditional WWW."

Milton, you didn't actually learn this thing about the Russian 
Security Council, because you couldn't learn it. I, on the other 
hand, have read the original article back in July, and have made my 
research on the actual source, not the ones "in military uniforms". 
The Russian (and Bulgarian, for that sake) media are full with such 
bombastic headlines, which aim at bringing more readers, not bringing 
more news. If I were you, I'd do my survey first, before claiming so 
strong statements. But, then, I am not you.

At 17:13 10/12/2007  -0400, you wrote:
>Nice to see that something posted on the IGP blog two weeks ago is now
>making the rounds here..... :-)

Veni Markovski

check also my blog:

The opinions expressed above are those of the author,
not of any organizations, associated with or related to
the author in any given way.

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