[governance] ICANN RFC on its performance
Mr. Robert Guerra
lists at privaterra.info
Mon May 14 10:13:47 EDT 2007
You have been posting a lot of message on this list recently.
As you are now a member of ICANN's staff, there is a key question
that I and no doubt others are likely asking - Are you speaking on
behalf of the organization, or are replying in your own personal
capacity ?
I ask, as it will help me (and likely others) appropriately frame our
responses both on this list and in other fora.
ref: http://icann.org/general/staff.html
Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra
Tel +1 416 893 0377
On 14-May-07, at 9:07 AM, Veni Markovski wrote:
> At 08:51 5/14/2007 -0400, Mr. Robert Guerra wrote:
>> Allow 8 to 12 weeks for responses ╜ and, just as importantly,
>> allow enough time between the end of the consultation and the formal
>> discussion of the results to distil the responses and summarise them
>> in a way that is can easily comprehensible. Where a consultation
>> takes place over a holiday, remember to allow extra response time (up
>> to an additional four weeks).
> btw, Robert, that would be a good point to talk about the IGC, too.
> Because, if ICANN is to accept the OECD rules for discussions, that
> should be valid for the constituencies, as well, including this group.
> Let's also not forget that the OECD members include only some
> countries, and it's probably not by accident. It's also good to
> point, that within ICANN there's at least the GAC, that takes
> decisions only when they meet, not by e-mail. And I don't see any
> suggestions from the IGC for audio-recording the GAC meetings. I
> wonder why? Is it because, if the IGC tells the GAC what to do, the
> GAC might tell the IGC where to go?
> As for the timeline...
> We work mainly online. We for sure could discuss something within a
> month. The very fact how many people spent time on this list to
> write down things, which are irelevant for the RFC, but very
> relevant to prove that I am not right, is a sign that clearly
> people have time.
> I don't understand why the same people, who spend so much time in
> sending thoughts about life, universe, and everything else, can not
> and would not send their contribution to an RFC. After all, they
> almost do that in this list.
> veni
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