[governance] IGC sponsored IGF workshops

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Thu Jun 21 05:37:34 EDT 2007

At 11:30 PM +0200 6/20/07, Meryem Marzouki wrote:
>Hi Karen, and all,


>I can try to propose a first draft description in the following 
>days, but have first to check what the caucus already provided as 
>comments on the issue: best to start with already agreed text.

I don't understand why you think there isn't support for a workshop 
on Role and Mandate.  It was part of the caucus' statement prepared 
for the last consultation, we've already agreed on the following once:

At 2:38 PM +0530 5/11/07, Parminder wrote:
>(4) The role and mandate of IGF
>The Tunis Agenda mandated that the IGF should, inter alia, facilitate
>discourse between bodies dealing with different cross-cutting international
>public policies and issues that do not fall within the scope of any existing
>body; interface with appropriate inter-governmental organizations and other
>institutions on matters under their purview;  identify emerging issues,
>bring them to the attention of the relevant bodies and the general public,
>and, where appropriate, make recommendations; and promote and assess, on an
>ongoing basis, the embodiment of WSIS principles in Internet governance
>processes. Since these critically important, value-adding functions cannot
>be performed by any existing Internet governance mechanism, nor by annual
>conferences built around plenary presentations from invited speakers, the
>purpose of this panel would be to foster an open and inclusive dialogue on
>how the IGF could fulfill these and other elements of its mandate.

I thought we'd already agreed the caucus would organize a workshop on 
this theme?

We seem to be going around in circles, no?



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