[governance] IGC sponsored IGF workshops
Jeanette Hofmann
jeanette at wzb.eu
Mon Jun 18 08:21:26 EDT 2007
> Another workshop for which there has been support from IGP is on the issue
> "Global Internet Public Policy - Issues and Institutions". Its text as our
> earlier statement was
> (begins) A call to "discuss public policy issues related to key elements of
> Internet governance" is the first point in the IGF mandate in the Tunis
> agenda. The Agenda deals at length with the question of new global public
> policy issues regarding IG, the possibility of new frameworks and
> structures, and the role of existing ones (e.g, paragraphs 61, 69). We
> therefore believe that an IGF main session should explore the following
> topics:
> a) What is "public policy" on the Internet and when do we need to use global
> institutions to establish it? The Tunis Agenda distinguishes between
> "technical" and "public policy" issues, and between public policy and the
> "day-to-day technical and operational matters." What makes an Internet
> governance issue a "public policy" issue, and what happens when policy
> concerns are closely linked to technical administration?
> b) What was intended by the Tunis Agenda's call for the "development of
> globally-applicable principles on public policy issues associated with the
> coordination and management of critical Internet resources" and how can this
> goal be pursued? (ends)
> Milton, will you like to coordinate this one?
I have talked with Ayesha Hassan about a workshop on public policy
principles. I don't know if the business sector would co-sponsor it but
there is certainly interest in being on the panel.
> parminder
> ________________________________________________
> Parminder Jeet Singh
> IT for Change, Bangalore
> Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
> Tel: (+91-80) 2665 4134, 2653 6890
> Fax: (+91-80) 4146 1055
> www.ITforChange.net
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