[governance] What is done is done - A recommended course forward
Mawaki Chango
kichango at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 07:55:46 EDT 2007
you sound like Mr. Muguet spoke of the bureau on behalf of IGC: was that the
case? if so, how is this possible?
On 5/31/07, Mr. Robert Guerra <lists at privaterra.info> wrote:
> The bureau proposal was raised, by Francis Muget who is subscribed to
> the list but not too active a participant.
> Both Francis and I were members of the former WSIS Civil Society
> Bureau (CSB). Francis was then, and still is now a strong believer in
> the structure and the benefits it might bring. I , and many others on
> this list, strongly disagree that such a structure would be
> beneficial . It fact, for many of us, it would not recognize the
> novel structure and evolution of IG discussions at the IGF.
> My personal view is that a bureau is a construct that does replicate
> well into the current IGF discussions. It would be a step backwards ,
> at least for CS. Worse still, it might likely play into many govts
> efforts to use key civil society players as pawns for their own agenda.
> The rough consensus view for days, if not weeks proceeding the IGF
> consultation made it quite clear that the caucus position was not
> supportive of a bureau type structure. That position should of held.
> Clearly it did not. This is most unfortunate. The lesson is clear, we
> are not following well known models of consultation, engagement and
> policy development processes used in other IG related spaces such as
> the ones McTim mentions .
> This caucus / list perhaps needs to revisit if in fact we are
> following our so cherished bottom-up approach when we take positions
> and/or make statements at key physical meetings. What is done, is
> done. As a recommended course forward might I suggest that key
> positions and issues - be decided and discussed in advance of future
> consultations. Positions identified as key and/or strategic would be
> firm, and not subject to change during the physical meeting proper.
> regards,
> Robert
> ---
> Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
> Managing Director, Privaterra
> Tel +1 416 893 0377
> On 31-May-07, at 9:18 AM, yehudakatz at mailinator.com wrote:
> > Where did the Bureau ëideaí come from ???
> >
> > If the ëbureau ideaí did not come from the IGC [Internet
> > Governance Caucus],
> > {Obviously by all accounts it *was-not* Paraminder, the idea was
> > circulating
> > ëbeforeí Paraminder made clarifications.}
> >
> > Then from whom was the idea interjected ???
> >
> > -
> >
> > ëALLí (All of whom were present) of had came for a reason (a
> > purpose).
> >
> > Paraminder, did a fine job of both: advocating and defending the
> > positions
> > discussed on this list.
> >
> > -
> >
> > Tell us, WHO injected the idea, because ëSomeoneí in the room did.
> >
> > [Hummm? ñ sympathetic ITU personnel perhaps Ö very very intresting]
> >
> > --
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