[governance] Re: remote participation

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Tue Feb 13 13:44:51 EST 2007

Confirming Izumi's experience.

Here we started in the middle of the night, slowing emerging to dawn.

When finally the VLC player was identified, at least the stream, so far via Real, ceased to break every 84 seconds, requiring another restart ...  Despite VLC, continuing interruptions put a sense of the meeting outside of the grasp.  So the transcript is the refuge - Nitin Desai has already noted the joys in reading hours of transcript.

So we get to some of the realities that a serious consideration of online participation will engage.


At 12:31 AM +0900 2/14/07, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>Dear Nitin and all IGFers,
>Congratulations for all of you who are now in Geneva at IGF consulation meeting and I appreciate your effort to extend the meeting in the remote participation channel.
>However, sorry to say, that the quality of the webcast is far from pragmatic, the voice was cut so often that it is not possible to keep the concentration and make good understandings of what is going on.
>I don't mean this is sort of criticism, but just a reality check. I hope the webcast i nRio will be much better in quality
>Izumi Aizu from Tokyo - local time 0:30 in the morning.
>-- Izumi Aizu <<
>Institute for HyperNetwork Society Kumon Center, Tama University
>* * * * * << Writing the Future of the History >> <http://www.anr.org> www.anr.org

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