SV: [governance] Re: IG questions that are not ICANN [was: Irony]
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at
Tue Dec 4 03:09:15 EST 2007
One example is the forthcoming ITU Kaleidescope Conference in May 2008 in Geneva. ITU is also trying to improve its relationship with Academia, mainly with the Technical Universities.
See also TSAG-TD 496, December 3, 2007.
Fra: Suresh Ramasubramanian [mailto:suresh at]
Sendt: ti 04-12-2007 07:20
Til: 'Lee McKnight'; governance at; 'Milton Mueller'
Emne: RE: [governance] Re: IG questions that are not ICANN [was: Irony]
Lee McKnight wrote:
> For example, if big chunks of industry think the ITU's next generation
> networks standards will 'resolve' major parts of the cybersecurity
> puzzle, I would advise civil society to be paying attention to ITU too.
> As apparently a few individuals are doing. And if Suresh is offering a
> way into the labyrinth, some CSers should step through. After you ; )
This is, by the way, an ITU-D BDT effort - in other words, rather different
from other work ITU may be doing on (say) standards development.
The botnet project will have several IETF / NANOG regulars coming in to
conduct hands on workshops, for example.
I am not offering a way into the "ITU labyrinth" .. don't have a ball of
string handy. And there isn't a Minotaur waiting at the center either.
I am just pointing out some ways and means - that already exist - where civ
soc can actually participate in some initiatives that the ITU happens to be
engaged in.
Subtle difference, but it does exist, I assure you.
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