[governance] .xxx. igc and igf
parminder at itforchange.net
Thu Apr 19 23:50:21 EDT 2007
> >Without that 'access' is an empty concept. I have seen too many people
> think
> >very differently about it, and too many people speak about it glibly,
> even
> >deceitfully, because they aren't interested in real political issues
> which
> >impact access.
> Well, access for people in developing world is not an empty concept;
> it's something they face daily. Or, rather, they face the lack of it.
> So, to say it in other words - for some of the members of our list
> the most important topic is IP/DNS. For the huuuuuuge majority of
> users, they don't care about it. They care how to pay less for their
> phone dial-up access.
Veni, I think you completely misunderstood my email...
> >Without that 'access' is an empty concept
"without that" is the operative part and not "access is an empty concept"
As to what does "without that" refers to, it is all over in my email. In the
first part, where I speak of clear agenda/ issues for different actors
(especially at the global level) on what they could/ should do about
"access". And in the second part of the email, where I put it across a bit
more strongly - about how I have heard many speak about "access" without
real commitment to examine and do anything about important political/ policy
issues that impact access. To illustrate my point, Microsoft has many
"access" programs in developing countries.
Hope, I am clearer now...
And I said the above on the issue of what should be discussed at IGF,
proceeding from what I see as the character of (and the opportunity at) IGF.
Parminder Jeet Singh
IT for Change, Bangalore
Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
Tel: (+91-80) 2665 4134, 2653 6890
Fax: (+91-80) 4146 1055
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Veni Markovski [mailto:veni at veni.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:12 PM
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Subject: RE: [governance] .xxx. igc and igf
> >The issue is not just what to discuss, but (more, importantly) why, i.e.
> to
> >what effect.
> >
> >IGF is not merely a deliberative space but (again, more importantly) a
> >political one... Or at least somewhere in between the two.
> The IGF is what we make of it. We = all of us, governments,
> businesses, civil society, users. It can easily become another
> UN-agency, if we let it happen.
> >levels, secondarily) can and should do about it - and how can we try to
> push
> >them to do it. We need contributions and advocacy in that direction.
> >
> >Without that 'access' is an empty concept. I have seen too many people
> think
> >very differently about it, and too many people speak about it glibly,
> even
> >deceitfully, because they aren't interested in real political issues
> which
> >impact access.
> Well, access for people in developing world is not an empty concept;
> it's something they face daily. Or, rather, they face the lack of it.
> So, to say it in other words - for some of the members of our list
> the most important topic is IP/DNS. For the huuuuuuge majority of
> users, they don't care about it. They care how to pay less for their
> phone dial-up access.
> Veni Markovski
> http://www.veni.com
> check also my blog:
> http://blog.veni.com
> The opinions expressed above are those of the author,
> not of any organizations, associated with or related to
> the author in any given way.
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