[governance] CFP 2007 in Montreal

Robert Guerra lists at privaterra.info
Wed Apr 11 12:56:59 EDT 2007

I wanted to remind all of you on this list of the Computers, Freedom  
and Privacy (CFP) conference in Montreal, from May 1-4.   This is  
only the second time the conference has been held outside the United  
States.   The Program Committee, and especially Stephanie Perrin, has  
been working very hard to get a good program together.   The  
preliminary set of panels can be seen at www.cfp2007.org .  The final  
program will be available very soon.   This has been a terrific  
conference over the years, and probably THE international venue where  
the privacy and civil liberties implications of new communications  
technologies have been debated.   However, attendance has been  
slipping recently.  We need to ensure that this year’s event is well  
attended.   I would encourage you to register.


Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra

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