[governance] Invitation to Informal consultation between ITU and civil society on the participation of all relevant stakeholders - 18 May 2007
CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
wsis at ngocongo.org
Thu Apr 12 14:39:07 EDT 2007
Dear all,
Further to my previous message on this issue, please find attached the
invitation letter for the consultation between ITU and civil society on the
participation of all relevant stakeholders (implementation of Resolution
The agenda is attached. The meeting will be open to all interested
stakeholders, including of course all relevant CS entities. Registration is
open online and will follow the same model as for most of the meetings of
the cluster of WSIS related events:
We have proposed Bill Drake (who already made contributions during the
previous consultations on CS involvement in the ITU activities) and Willie
Curry to make a joint presentation on the CS perspective that would
introduce the interactive discussion. Discussions should take place on this
mailing list for input/feedback in preparation of this consultation.
All the best,
Philippe Dam
Philippe Dam
CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail: <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org> wsis at ngocongo.org
Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org
The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international, membership association
that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and
decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments and United
Nations agencies on issues of global concern. For more information see our
website at www.ngocongo.org <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org/>
De : plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org] De la part
de CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
Envoyé : mercredi, 28. mars 2007 20:27
À : plenary at wsis-cs.org; bureau at wsis-cs.org; governance at lists.cpsr.org
Cc : 'Renate Bloem'; 'CONGO - Philippe Dam'
Objet : [WSIS CS-Plenary] Up date on CS participation in ITU activities
Dear all,
This is to inform you that, in the follow up to the adoption by the ITU
Plenipotentiary Conference of Resolution
doc> 141 - Study on the participation of all relevant stakeholders in the
activities of the Union related to the World Summit on the Information
Society (also here attached), we have been approached by the ITU Secretariat
to kick-start a process of consultation with civil society entities.
This resolution, recognising the need to enhance the participation of WSIS
stakeholders in the ITU, provided:
- the conduct of a study on the participation of all relevant
stakeholders in the activities of the ITU related to WSIS
- the creation of a Working Group of the ITU Council to perform
this study and to propose some reform on the basis of that study. The terms
of reference and the mandate of this working group are included in the annex
to resolution 141. This Working Group will be composed of ITU member states
with mention that their delegations may include appropriate legal,
technical and regulatory experts and will conduct open consultations.
This Working Group is expected to start meeting on 15 June 2007. In
implementing ITU Resolution 141, the ITU Secretariat took up the following
Establishing the webpage of the Working Group of the Council
on Resolution 141: http://www.itu.int/council/groups/stakeholders/
On line call for written contributions for all stakeholders,
as indicated on the previous page: all contributions will be made public.
There is no deadline for submission at the moment. Written contributions
should be sent to: ITU-Stakeholders at itu.int.
Establishing a webpage on the ITU sources on civil society:
Organisation on 18 May 2007 (10:00-13:00) at the ITU, in the framework of
the WSIS related cluster of events, of an Informal consultation between ITU
and civil society in which the ITU SG Hamadoun Touré will participate, as
well as probably delegations of the two countries in charge of facilitating
the work of the Working Group.
More information will be circulated soon on this meeting.
All the best,
Philippe Dam
Philippe Dam
CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail: <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org> wsis at ngocongo.org
Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org
The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international, membership association
that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and
decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments and United
Nations agencies on issues of global concern. For more information see our
website at www.ngocongo.org <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org/>
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