[governance] Opening Ceremony Logistics - Overpass issue .. ?
Carlos Afonso
ca at rits.org.br
Sat Oct 28 13:05:21 EDT 2006
In my view, no big deal if we miss the opening rituals, but if there is
additional info on the overpasses, please let us know.
frt rgds
Robert Guerra wrote:
> I've just noticed on the IGF website a notice that seems to indicate
> that overpasses will be issued for the opening session next week.
> This development is, problematic, as I think no structures are in place
> to allocate and distribute the passed. How does CS, in fact other
> stakeholders (who might be on this list) wish to deal with this issue.
> Looking forward to hearing discussion on this..
> regards
> Robert
> http://www.intgovforum.org/
> [NEW] Opening Ceremony Logistics
> Due to the the expected high attendance, not all participants may find
> access to the main session hall on the opening day. Therefore, secondary
> passes will be issued to guarantee equitable access to all stakeholder
> groups. All government delegations will automatically get two secondary
> passes each and intergovernmental organizations, private sector, civil
> society and the technical and academic communities will be given a
> corresponding number of passes. All other participants will be able to
> watch the proceedings of the opening day broadcast live in the workshop
> rooms.
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Carlos A. Afonso
diretor de planejamento
Rits - Rede de Informações para o Terceiro Setor
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