[governance] IGC Inc. [was Re: Going forward - Role of the governance caucus [3 options]]

Meryem Marzouki marzouki at ras.eu.org
Mon Mar 6 08:00:47 EST 2006

Veni, I don't understand why you keep proposing the incorporation of  
IGC, while it's more than clear that it is not feasible (and unneeded  
and, I think, unwanted). We're all discussing the difficulty of  
reaching agreed positions for this caucus (process- and substance-  
wise), and you want it structured in a formal way ? Frankly, if you  
propose a for-profit incorporation it could be more feasible: at  
least, people would agree on making profit !! (how, this is another  
question :))

If the issue is funding, then one or more already existing CS  
organization could apply for funding for an IGC-related project ! A  
member of the HR caucus have successfully done that during WSIS 1st  
phase (as documented on the HR caucus site at: http:// 


Le 6 mars 06 à 13:42, Veni Markovski a écrit :

> [...]
> Would suggest also my old idea of structuring a non-profit to the IG
> Caucus, which will be able to talk to potential funders for funding
> participation of people from developing countries, and LDC. At the
> moment we all rely on other organizations for that; would be a mature
> act to be able to handle that on our own.

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