[governance] A minimalist solution

Danny Butt db at dannybutt.net
Mon Apr 3 22:17:21 EDT 2006

Coordination discussions another time - in the interim I support  
Bill's suggestion.



On 04/04/2006, at 2:57 AM, William Drake wrote:

> Any disclaimer paragraph would have to have broad buy, and I don't  
> see that
> there's enough interest and participation in this discussion to  
> make that
> happen by tomorrow.  In contrast, nobody could disagree with
> [NB: The below is in the standardized format agreed by the civil  
> society
> Internet Governance Caucus for IGF theme submissions from its members]
> Because it's patently true and doesn't go beyond the one point of  
> agreement
> to characterize the caucus, its process, the standing of the  
> proposals, or
> anything else.  We ran out the clock with a disorganized process,  
> let's
> learn from the mistake, do what we can actually do under the  
> circumstances,
> and move on, no?

Danny Butt
db at dannybutt.net | http://www.dannybutt.net
Suma Media Consulting | http://www.sumamedia.com
Private Bag MBE P145, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
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