[governance] a caveat on theme submissions

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Sat Apr 1 11:56:38 EST 2006

By the way, if the comments on the structure of the MAG are any guide, it won't make a lot of difference how we frame our submissions. The IGF Secertariat obviously did not pay a lot of attention to the public comments last time. If one reads ALL the published comments, nearly all of them call for a small, 12-15 person MAG. Not a single one calls for a larger, 40 person MAG. And yet, what did we get? A 40-person MAG.

I hope the IGF secretariat understands the long term consequences of ignoring public comment on the record to favor private, behind-the-scenes negotiations with favored stakeholders. ICANN provides a precedent: after a while, no one will take the process seriously and there will be no quality comments.

Dr. Milton Mueller
Syracuse University School of Information Studies

>>> "William Drake" <drake at hei.unige.ch> 03/31/06 9:08 AM >>>

As it's 4pm in Geneva and it didn't appear that there'd be movement to consolidate and submit all the theme proposals today, I called the IGF office.  Markus is away but Chengetai was there.  There's no rush, they are zen and would be happy to receive proposals at the beginning of next week.

Over the weekend it might be good to clarify the framing of the submissions.  Should they be presented as individual submissions, submissions 'by members of the caucus,' (suitably ambiguous), submissions of the caucus...?  In one file, or many, in standardized format or why bother, etc?  In any event I think they'd prefer PDFs to emails...



William J. Drake  drake at hei.unige.ch
Director, Project on the Information
  Revolution and Global Governance
  Graduate Institute for International Studies
  Geneva, Switzerland 
President, Computer Professionals for 
   Social Responsibility


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