[governance] Subcomitee A: Full Report Thursday Sept 22

Jeremy Shtern jeremy.shtern at umontreal.ca
Thu Sep 22 07:00:11 EDT 2005

See detailed report below:

Key points:

- drafting groups will be formed
- will be limited number to accommodate smaller delegations
- stakeholders (NGOs, CS and PS) role in them is still open: will either
be A) closed completely; B) allowed in as observers only with some
speaking rights; C) allowed full participation in negotiations
- this will be decided right away
- chair will diffuse a document for discussion, form drafting groups for
tomorrow am

Full notes:

Subcommittee A: Thursday Sept 22- 10-13 hrs, RM XX

Before session: 

Handout:  The Chair’s Discussion Paper 
(paper version of discussion agenda projected on screen and discussed

reads as follows: (English only)

Preambular text

Part 1: introduction
-	Geneva principles
-	WGIG mandate
-	Working Definition

Part 2: Stakeholders
-	roles and responsibilities
-	coordination

Part 3: Public policy issues relevant to IG

3a) infrastructure and management of critical internet resources

3b) use of internet
-	internet stability
-	spam
-	access to info and knowledge
-	freedom of expression
-	data protection and privacy rights
-	consumer rights
-	Intellectual property rights

Part 4: Measures to promote development
-	capacity building
-	meaningful participation in global policy development
-	multilingualism
-	enabling environment

Part 5: follow-up and future arrangements

-approach: evolutionary / incremental
-framework for interface between existing and future arrangement
-possible governance/ oversight function: (four models) 
- possible forum
-recommended mandate
-structure- light/ heavy? Loose/ tight? 


Karen Johnson of Council of Europe

-bring to delegates attention that the statement in WGIG report that
“there is a lack of multi-lateral forums on prevention of cyber crime”
is false.
-encourages WSIS to adopt Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime so
that work is not duplicated.

CariCom (Caribbean Communication)

-	our lack of participation in the WSIS process reflects not a
lack of interest but a lack of capacity common to all developing
-	access to backbone, use and misuse, d

10:23 Chair: We went through parts 1-3 yesterday, we are now on part 4
(of above document)
-asks for comments (none given)

Chair: moving to part 5

-asks comments:


-	section 5, bullet 3, suggests remove word “four” so that it says
only models, since all models have been critiqued
-	would like document DT8 annotated with cross references to WGIG
report and document DT 7, the comments received on

Chair:  this paper (DT 8 as written above) has no status, is just a tool
to facilitate discussion, but annotation can be done.


- sure that there are other models, so we should say models instead of
‘four models’, but shouldn’t be too vague because we have to know what
the models are. 


-reviews models from WGIG report


-	we need some background information- the WGIG report was
requested by our heads’ of state, it is not without status, it is
highest possible status. It deserves our utmost attention. 
-	We have to focus our discussion.

UK (on behalf of EU)
-	support chair’s plans for discussion
-	still much work to be done to build on common ground, build on
shared understandings
-	what is the timetable? When does chair envisage tabling text?
-	Reiterates support for WGIG report, but that it is not a
negotatied text, agree that other material can contribute to the
discussion, notably document DT 7 (the comments on WGIG report)
-	There is no unique definition of IG, WGIG is a working def., we
can discuss as needed and revisit at the end.


-	timetable will be aggressive: maybe starting tomorrow, be ready
for afternoon  and evening sessions
-	to discuss exact deadlines soon.


-	questions the / between evolutionary/ incremental/ revolutionary
-	is ‘framework’ something different from model and forum?

The United States

-	a number of interventions have made points with which we would
like to associate
-	we have a view on the WGIG definition we will discuss it
-	we agree with Russia on the 4 models, there are nuances between
the model that may come from external to the WGIG report. 
-	Overall accept the chair’s text as a non-status working

-	the scheme of this document is the correct one and the order is
the correct one. 

Language should be in readable prose but accessible to heads of states
and technocrats.


-	recommends that “access for all” is mentioned as a specific
point in document as it is in WGIG report and not just assumed as part
of implementation

Saudi Ariba

- in favour of Irans suggestion RE part 5, what is the chair’s postion?


You are attaching too much importance to the text- they are just bullet
points for discussion, not points for negotiation.

-part 4 is separated from part 3, thus development issues are separate
from public policy issues
- like to associate with iran’s points on part 5, and with brazil, iran
and others and that we have to move quickly to issues of text in regards
to part 5 in particular

-	We can find some language to link IG and development


-	CCBI said yesterday that they do not support a more centralized
system for IG, the Brazilian gov agrees with this totality because it is
impossible to have a system more centralized than the current system
where 1 company from California controls everything. They only way to
solve this is to have an Internet Counsel. This is common to WGIG models
1, 2 and 3 and we just need to negotiate the details. This is, I think a
hunaimus decisions of the WGIG report and I have heard nothing to
contradict it from the other delegations.


- You are backing a fusion between model 3 and 4? 


-	We need ICT programs without which interconnection and even
training will be meaningless for development.


- segments closed temporarily, we will hear statements


-	further expansion of list to include all developmental concerns


PS: Mathew Sheers, Internet society

-	It is very unlikely that people around the world care about root
servers, IPv 6 etc, but they do care about access costs, language
availability and training etc.
-	Quotes paragraph 4 of WSIS declaration
-	We have spent too much time discussing architexture, more real
-	The IS has spent much time in the last decades doing capacity
-	Make connectivity and capacity the issues here
-	The existing structures work, the public policy issues are
addressed elsewhere.
-	We in the Internet community are interested in organic chance,
participants in the WSIS must acknowledge that the Internet community
has worked
-	The internet community includes standards setting institutions
and many other types of orgs. It is at the core of the development of
the past, present and future of the internet yet they are not one of the
primary stakeholders. Demands to acknowledge that.

Ishia from CCBI

-	clarifies position on centralization.
-	Discussion of forum function, there are many existing forum.
Internet is designed and works in a de-centralized design. 
-	CCBI supports efforts to encourage participation in existing
-	Any additional exercises would have to add value.
-	Would be a duplication of costs and resources and could
sidetrack efforts to increase access to ICTs- to the real reason of the
-	Any events or spaces should be to exchange info on existing

Heather Shaw ICC, on Behalf of CCBI

-	creating new fora can be expensive, particularly where existing
mechanisms exist and thus existing mechanisms should be exhausted first.
-	WSIS should foucs on more meaningful participation in existing
fora as a discussion of capacity building.
-	Translation of docs, travel expenses for developing countries.
-	All people must have access to basic education and access to ICT
-	Educators should use info about current and future marketplaces
to structure curiulms
-	Submitts language suggestion for chapter 3 (very long, missed
it- look for text version)

CS: Ralf on behalf of Privacy and security group
-	only if people can use it freely can the Internet be the
important tool of development
- support WGIG conclusions on privacy
-	lack of rules on problem
-	joins Montreaux declaration in calling on UN to enact global law
-	joins in calls to enact global privacy forum
-	will submit language soon

Adam Peake IG cacus

-	Civil society not satisifid with roles and responsibilities as
described in Geneva dec, but are more than satisified with the roles and
responsibilities described in WGIG report

-	We haven’t got to the heart of the matter, we need to hurry
-	As regards part 4, we propose to put all of these into a single
part that could be called governance models. The important thing is to
reach agreement.
-	Proposes that we set up several groups to discuss the, by
tomorrow by latest. 

-	consolidate your own and regional positions and then reach out
to other delegations
-	I am thinking about working groups.
-	There will be no prepcom III bis, everything must, must, must be
done here, there will be no intersectional meeting of any kind.

El Salvador
-	overlap between 3a and part 5 of chair’s document

Saudi Arabia (on behalf of Group of Arab Countries)

- Arab group prepared to make statement on part 5. 

-	calls for cross fertilization to synthesize ideas

proposal 1:
-	Drafting groups as of tomorrow
-	Chair will circulate a text with blanks in it in areas where
common ground has not been established. Paper will not have any status.
Designed to instigate submission of language and thus, negotiation
amongst positions. 
-	Rolling text by early next week. 
-	Likeminded groups should meet this afternoon, try to build
coalitions, cross group dialogues. 
-	Asks for direction on the possibility of having CS, PS and
International orgs as observers of drafting groups.

-	Practicality and principle
-	Many delegations are small in terms of the number of experts
that they can bring into drafting groups. Thus, few groups are better
-	In response to the Internet Society, we seek an opportunity for
those groups to participate in the debate much more than 15 minutes at
the end of every session. They need to be at the table.


-	we are here negoating  a text to be signed by our heads of
state, this is an intergovernmental process. We have CS and PS in our
delegation, but we have to have a moment when governments sit together
to decide.  

Dr. Kelly (from Chair).

-	relevant sections from Rules of Procedures section 8 rule 51
-	no text relating specifically to drafting groups or working

Saudi Arabia
-	small number of groups
-	must be set up after principle decisions have been taken here
-	the Geneva summit set the precedent already, the same method
should be adopted here. Members of CS and PS- through their delegations-
may participate, there is no need to invent a new mode of participation.

Senegal (on behalf of Africa)

-limited numbers of groups

-	2 areas of agreement amongst all. Security and multi-stakeholder
-	There are many stakeholder groups that can bring a great to
negotiation (as with US).
-	Need to deal in plenary with some issues first.


-	things will go to groups and come back to plenary. Plenary
should not block the work of the working groups.


-	limited numbers of groups
-	national committees established with multi-stakeholders, but
mandate not clear here for this, this is an intergovernmental process.
-	Sites rule 55, NGOs etc can distribute observers at public
meetings, drafting meetings would not be public.

El Salvador



UK (on behalf of EU)

-	need to draw on multistakeholderism to the maximum in the
drafting of text.

-	associate with Canada about concern for more discussion in
plenary first
-	prefer a small number of drafting groups
-	would support the involvement of NGO stakeholders in drafting
-	we see value in those contributions of these groups
-	much of the expertise lies with these groups
-	rules of P suggest question is open to plenary

Nicaragua (on behalf of GROLAC)
-	concerns about small delegations

-	we have spent a lot of time working with the private sector, but
the negotiations themselves are intergovernmental negotiations.

-maybe should be regional groups. 
- any other stakeholders who want to observe can participate

-	supports the proposals and looks forward to working with
stakeholders in observer capacity, following the rules of P

-	limited size delegation
-	observation by multi-stakeholder, but no negotiation

New Zeeland
-	more time in plenary
-	multi-stakeholder participation, use the WGIG report conclusions
to involve them now.

-	multi-stakeholder approach should be stakeholders as observers
with the possibility to talk, but not in the drafting possibility

Pakistan (on behalf of Asian group)

-	The Asian group is of the view that the this prepcom should
adhere to the rules and procedures established during the Geneva

-	necessary to give the right to speak to stakeholders in the


-	supports Brazil and China, but at the same time the drafting
groups must have observers from other stakeholders, so we support


-	points out that not all regional groups are in the business of
coordinating positions

-	expertise of stakeholders is vitally important


-	limited number of groups

-	we are not convinced of need of groups, it will all come back
here in the end
-	suggests 2 groups,
-	 5.3: models for IG 
-	and one which deals with all of the other matters

South Africa
- we thought that that confusion over stakeholders was cleared using the
rules of P in the Geneva phase, that roles for observers were there.

-	rules of procedure stickly followed do not allow for parcipation
-	precendant suggests possibility
-	we are in a grey area


-	supports chair, Asia group

-	the rules need to be followed, if they participate they have no
voting rights

-	it wouldn’t be a bad idea to seek input from observers, but not
in dafting process

-	confirm Saudi Arabia / Brazil, stakeholders should not
participate in intergovernmental drafting groups

-	asks legal advice 
-	supports Singapore position, think it is important that they
speak but do not have negotiating powers

-	limited groups and open ended groups
-	prefer to stay in white area of rules rather than grey area

-	very usefull to invite all of the stakeholders according to the
existing rules


-	no objection to setting groups up
-	number should be limited
-	no objection that I circulate a paper
-	associating stakeholders: 3 postions emeged
-	1. associate them; 2. don’t associate them; 3. associate them,
give them statements to make, but they do not vote. 

Gave sinagpore and those who supported them 5 minutes to convert
everyone else to the middle road.

Jeremy Shtern,
candidat doctoral et chercheur au Laboratoire de Recherche sur les
Politiques de Communication/
Ph.D candidate & researcher at the Communications Policy Research
Université de Montréal            
département de communication
514-343-6111 ex./poste  5419               
jeremy.shtern at umontreal.ca

-----Original Message-----
From: governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org
[mailto:governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org] On Behalf Of William Drake
Sent: September 22, 2005 4:29 AM
To: Governance 
Subject: [not_spam] [governance] ICT4Peace meeting and draft report


Over the past year I've been working on a project for the Swiss
with Daniel Stauffacher (Swiss WSIS ambassador) and others on the use of
ICT in (military) conflict management, humanitarian relief, and
peacebuilding operations, www.ict4peace.org.  The final report of the
first project phase will be released at the Tunis Summit, where we'll
do a parallel event with Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari etc.

If anyone is interested in these issues, there will be a short parallel
event on the project tomorrow Friday 23rd,

13.00 – 14.00 hours, Palais des Nations, room XXIII, Presentation of the
ICT4Peace Report by Ambassador Stauffacher, Mr. William Drake, Mr. Paul
Currion and Ms. Julia Steinberger. The event is organized by the Swiss
Executive Secretariat for the WSIS.

The draft report is now online at the following rather unfortunate URL:




William J. Drake  wdrake at ictsd.ch
President, Computer Professionals for
   Social Responsibility www.cpsr.org
Senior Associate, International Centre for Trade
   and Sustainable Development www.ictsd.org
   Geneva, Switzerland
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mankind by the nose.---Nietzsche

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