[governance] Possible CS text on forum

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 00:17:12 EDT 2005

hullo Ralf,

On 10/21/05, Ralf Bendrath <bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> The last sentence ("Overlap or duplication with existing institutions
> should be avoided") is misleading. It can be easily used as an excuse for
> the US and other to say "IPR? Nay, this overlaps with WIPO!"
> Can we just delete the last sentence? (Or put it into brackets - just
> kidding). Or am I missing something here?

I think what you are missing is the importance of the notion that many
issues are dealt with in pre-existing fora.  There has to be some text
that protects their turf IMO.

JH, I don't understand your response:

>No, you don't. We have talked about this cross cutting issues several
>times before.

Are you agreeing with Ralf here?

>I also would like to express my doubts about the executive group. I
>don't understand its function.

I understand this bit, and I agree.  Not needed IMO and doesn't sound
very bottum up to me.

Anything we build has got to be better than what we have now,
especially for LDCs.


nic-hdl:      TMCG

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