[governance] Food for thought & next steps..

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Mon Oct 17 22:40:27 EDT 2005

As for documents for CS to comment on - well, there sees to be a pool  
of documents:

- The latest version of the chair's document
- Food for Thought paper - a document, that many countries didn't  
even want to see tabled (US, Ghana, Canada, and others)...will they  
even care to use it, or ignore it all together...?
- Proposals: EU, Brazil, Argentinean, and others

The Argentinean proposal, didn't manage to get the discussion it  
could have as right after it was tabled Pakistan asked the chair  
(also from Pakistan) to come up with a food for thought paper... I'm  
not sure how all of you read the situation...

That being said, the fact is that there are some key proposals on the  
table. An idea - can we analyse the different proposals,  and come up  
with a CS response...How to do that -  we compare the elements found  
in each of the proposals. Let's see what is common, what's  
different , and what's missing all together.

If anything, the caucus would have something to say to each of the  
proponents. By adding our own elements - well, we'd have something  
positive to contribute.

well, that's my suggestion. Comments anyone?



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra <http://www.privaterra.org>

On 17-Oct-05, at 10:02 PM, ian.peter at ianpeter.com wrote:

> I'll have a look, Adam.
> One thing though - are there changes that we are aware governments are
> going to
> want in the sections that are still not agreed? One of the  
> difficulties is its
> easy to comment on the draft, but not so easy to prepare in advance  
> positions
> on issues that are like to be raised...
> I guess this particularly applies to 76 on. In this respect is the  
> chairs Food
> for Thought at
> http://www.itu.int/wsis/documents/doc_multi.asp?lang=en&id=2125|0
> at all relevant to your needs at present? It covers forum etc to a
> larger degree
> - do we need to comment on it as well at this stage?
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