[bestbits] Announcing the New and Expanded World Intermediary Liability Map

Daphne Keller daphnek at law.stanford.edu
Wed May 16 07:36:52 EDT 2018

Apologies for cross-posting. This one's totally worth seeing twice, though!

*The Stanford Center for Internet and Society is proud to be launching our
new and greatly improved World Intermediary Liability Map
<http://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/>. The WILMap is a collaborative project
tracking legislation, cases, and other intermediary liability developments
around the world. The new version includes expanded content, advanced
search functionality, mapping visualization tools, and more. More
information from our FAQ <https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/node/30665> is
below. We hope this is useful for the work of many people on this list. If
it is, please spread the word! If you are a specialist and see gaps that
you can fill with new information about global developments, please get in
touch <https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/contact> - we are always looking to
grow our contributor network.Luiz Fernando Marrey Moncau and Daphne
KellerQ: What is new in the WILMap May 2018 launch?A: The WILMap has long
offered summaries of case law, statutes, proposed laws, and other
developments around the world. The new version offers substantially
expanded content, including new topic overview pages. (But we are always
looking for more - please let us know
<https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/contact> if you are an expert who might
contribute to fill in any gaps!) It also has improved tools, including
advanced search functionality and visual representation of global
development through mapping “layers.” Examples include: - Expanded country
pages like Argentina <http://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/country/argentina> and
Russia <https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/country/russia>- New Topic pages
tracking developments in areas like Copyright
<https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/topics/copyright-0> and Monitoring
<https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/topics/monitoring-obligations>- Map
visualization tools showing developments such as expansion of the Right to
Be Forgotten <https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/map?layerid=30419>- Advanced
searches for things like court decisions on defamation and personality
or more granular things like UK copyright rulings involving ISPs
New Entries explaining important developments like the European Court of
Human Rights Delfi v. Estonia
<https://wilmap.law.stanford.edu/entries/delfi-v-estonia> decision or the
General Data Protection Regulation
Who uses the WILMap and how?A: Lawyers representing platforms -- and
lawyers thinking of suing them -- consult the WILMap to identify legal
obligations and sources of law. Academics, public interest organizations,
and reporters rely on it to track developments and understand important new
cases or legislation around the world. Policymakers considering new
legislative proposals use it to find precedent and models. Anyone concerned
about online speech and platform responsibility can use it to see how
thinkers and lawmakers around the world have responded to today’s most
pressing questions -- and to advance the conversation through newer and
better ideas.*

Daphne Keller
Director, Intermediary Liability
Center for Internet and Society
Stanford Law School
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