[bestbits] NGO statement to the UNGA First Committee on cyberspace and human security available for endorsement

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 19:45:39 EDT 2016


Thanks for bringing this, Jeremy.
It seems to me that civil society finds increasingly a challenge to
keep with cybersecurity issues so I've endorsed this with wished NGOs
get involved in these debates.



On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Jeremy Malcolm <jmalcolm at eff.org> wrote:
> We have here another not very timely opportunity for endorsement of a
> statement on cybersecurity:
> http://bestbits.net/unga-cyberspace-2016/
> The statement was shopped around only in the last two days to a smaller
> group of peace and IG groups and academics and has been finalised already
> for presentation at the UNGA.  I've asked the organizer if he can give some
> more notice next time, so that there is a better opportunity for people to
> give input.
> Here is an excerpt that I think many of us can agree with:
> Treating cyber primarily as a military and security issue risks
> institutionalising the broad idea of cyber conflict. This may lead to
> preparations that escalate the threat, and responses that unnecessarily
> escalate incidents, including misunderstandings, into armed conflict. It
> also risks adopting a framework that is more permissive of harm to the
> population than international human rights law allows. In working to prevent
> cyber attacks, states should consider the full range of impacts on human
> rights, international humanitarian law, protection of civilians and state
> responsibility. In approaching these issues, it is therefore important to be
> wary of overinflating the threat, and in doing so promoting militarisation
> and escalation. We should remember that the Internet is essentially civilian
> infrastructure and should not be made the target of or the medium for
> attacks.
> --
> Jeremy Malcolm
> Senior Global Policy Analyst
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
> https://eff.org
> jmalcolm at eff.org
> Tel: 415.436.9333 ext 161
> :: Defending Your Rights in the Digital World ::
> Public key: https://www.eff.org/files/2014/10/09/key_jmalcolm.txt
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