[bestbits] blog Ephraim Percy Kenyanito

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Wed Nov 9 16:45:11 EST 2016

Dear Ephraim,

many thanks for your answer. I will continue our communication directly, 
because you ask for that. And maybe, it is correct. Only my first answer 
i send to the lists to end this thread.

Yes, i am very interested for a discussion with you. And, of course, 
with your friends, if they have this interest for an open internet in 
Africa. From the people, for the people. This is always my perspective.

But first to your blog. The open space for the comments, that the 
readers can read the opinions of others, is the most important part. Of 
course, you can moderate it. Then it needs some hours or days. Many 
blogs do that. Some blogs remember the authors of comment and after the 
first comments they give it free.

I work for local independence. And the political/social independence is 
always based on the economical independence. And every economy is based 
on our technical infrastructures and the independence in technology. But 
clear, the money system have nothing to do with economy. It is part of 
the distribution system, a virtual layer.

The last two things is my work object. To help the people on this way. 
The telecommunication is the most important part in our technical 
infrastructure. It is the base for our cooperation and the free access 
to free knowledge.

If we take the telecommunication in our hand, we have nearly all needs 
in our hand. This, because i speak here about the hardware. The software 
is easy.

Based on this maybe now it is clear for you, why i referenced your 
actionpoints that start with: "Call on their governments ...".

If you follow this, you will never be able to go on your way. And i am 
sure, the situation in Africa is not better then in Asia, Europe or 
North America.

The form of our telecommunication is the InterNet, the Inter-connection 
of local Net-works, a transport system for digital data in packet form. 
Today, we don't have a InterNet, because we don't have the Net-Topology 
in the telecommunication. We have only bus and star topologies. And 
without a net you never can create a interconnections of nets.

I know, as a answer many people speak about virtual nets. But we are not 
in the church. We are in the reality.

This local networks are independent and autonomous networks with Client 
and Server functionality and the interconnection. The interconnection of 
the local networks we need only for data transport and not for 
Client-Server interactions. Clear, this we have to create and organise.

For the transport navigation, the routing, we use the geografical 
position of the local networks for our IP addresses for source and 
destination. With that we don't need IANA, ICANN or any NICs. And, of 
course, never any "Internet Governance".

And because we organise between every segment on the tranport ways the 
error checking, we don't need TCP. And logical followed no UDP. We act 
only with IP packets.

But the core is the hardware. We have to organise, that the people 
everywhere on our planet can create that hardware, what they need. The 
instrument for that is our free technology. Free to participate, free to 
use the result, for all people on our planet.

This is the theoretical base. The laws of the nature (physic), her 
materialisation (technology) and our ideas for design and konstruction. 
The material realisation of all this technical systems the people 
local/regional organise itself.

You see, this is something different to that, what you wrote in your 
text. But we should start with a deeper discussion, if you want. And i 
hope, also with your friends and other people in Africa.

For me: Since 5.5 years i live in Latin America. i traveled from 
Venezuela to Mexico and down to Chile and Argentina on the westside, 
return on the east side to Venezueala and now to Paraguay. The result: 
This perspective is impossible to realise in Latin America. All 
technical environment, inclusive the universities, are totally 
controlled from the external companies. And the people create the 
comsumerism. Only use and nothing create. They don't like to study and 
in this universities it is impossible, they don't like to work 
experimentally and practically, they look only for an easy job with a 
relative high income.

Now, i am on the way to southern Africa. I will look there. Never i have 
been in the south of Africa. Then i will see.

many greetings, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay

On 09/11/2016 14:16, Ephraim Percy Kenyanito wrote:
> Hello Willi,
> Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya!
> Yes, I am interested in constructive engagement and suggestions on how to
> improve African engagement on Internet Governance and social justice.
> I have received really great feedback from very many people all over via
> email and other channels with suggestions on how to further improve this
> forthcoming publication since publishing my article yesterday .
> Regarding the section on my website <http://ephraimkenyanito.com>: *"leave
> a reply";* the comments do not appear automatically as any comment that
> appears to be spam gets picked up by the spam filter.
> However, I just saw your comments and will be happy to have a discussion
> with you.
> P.S- This is not the full publication (it is just a 990 word summary of the
> over 30,000 word publication.) I will be happy to set up some time to
> discuss further (via skype/ or in person) this upcoming publication,
> additionally, please feel free to let me know if you're interested to
> receive this major forthcoming publication focused on the 2014-2016 period
> as a PDF to your email.
> Best Regards,
> *Ephraim Percy Kenyanito*
> Website: https://ephraimkenyanito.com/
> Twitter: @ekenyanito <https://twitter.com/ekenyanito>
> PGP Fingerprint: B0FA394AF73DEB7AA1FDC7360CFED26DE6BA8DC1

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