[bestbits] IGF Newcomers Track

Wisdom Donkor wisdom.dk at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 08:13:15 EST 2016

 Dear Members,

*The IGF 2016 Newcomers Track* aims to help participants attending the IGF
annual meeting for the first time, to understanding the IGF processes and
to foster the integration of all new-coming stakeholders into the IGF

Its focus is to make the meeting participant's first IGF experience as
productive and welcoming as possible.


*What is the IGF? Webinar*

Prior to the annual meeting, one webinar will be organized. The webinar
will reflect the core IGF work processes, with focusing on the 2016
intersessional activities and the overall programme. This will help in
understanding what should be your expectations from the annual meeting in

*Newcomers Mentor Session*

During Day 0, on 5 December from 12:00 to 13:30 pm, there will be a
90-minutes long session, where the key IGF stakeholders will be speaking
about the history of the IGF, its processes and community engagement.

Most of the time will be reserved for the participants attending for the
first time, to ask anything they would like to ask about the IGF.

*'Knowledge cafés' sessions*

During each of the Meeting Days, from 6 to 9 December, there will be a
45-minutes long 'Knowledge cafés' sessions, where the participants will be
given an opportunity to have a casual, informal talk with some of the most
experienced stakeholders from the IGF community. The main goal of these
sessions is to create a friendly environment for the first-time coming
participants to meet some of the most experienced IGF stakeholders, to
learn a lot and most importantly, to network and engage.

If you would like to reserve your seat at the above mentioned sessions,
please fill up this very short form

*Stay in contact: subscribe to the Newcomers Track mailing list by clicking
on: igfnewcomers at intgovforum.org

*In case you would like to know more, please contact the IGF Secretariat
at: agengo at unog.ch <agengo at unog.ch>*

Kind regards,

E-government and Open Government Data Platforms Specialist
National Information Technology Agency (NITA)/
Ghana Open Data Initiative Project.
ICANN Fellow / Member, UN IGF MAG Member, ISOC Member,
Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) Member, Diplo Foundation Member,
OGP Open Data WG Member, GODAN Memember, ITAG Member
Email: wisdom_dk at hotmail.com
wisdom.donkor at data.gov.gh
wisdom.dk at gmail.com
Skype: wisdom_dk
facebook: facebook at wisdom_dk
Website: www.nita.gov.gh / www.data.gov.gh
www.isoc.gh / www.itag.org.gh
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