[bestbits] Best Bits working group on Broadcasting Treaty?

Jeremy Malcolm jmalcolm at eff.org
Mon Mar 2 07:12:19 EST 2015

On Mar 2, 2015, at 12:17 PM, Nick Ashton-Hart <nashton at consensus.pro> wrote:
> FYI, there is quite a bit of civil society coordination on this treaty, and that's been true for almost a decade. EFF has always been a part of it, starting under Gwen and then following on with Carolina, and there are many others from civil society involved. There's actually a strong coalition of industry and civil society that works very closely together on this treaty and has for many years; I was the de-facto coordinator of it for a long time, and I'm still very involved in it.
> It would be duplicative for BestBits to start from scratch on this very technical and long-running process and it could be counterproductive to have two separate coalitions of civil society coming up with separate responses to the same subject. Believe me when I tell you the broadcasters will seize on any perception of differences between communities to argue that the treaty should move forward. 

It wasn’t my suggestion, it was one of the other WIPO regulars who I guess felt that there was an Internet governance perspective missing from those dealing with this there.  As you say EFF has been one of those involved at WIPO and I’m covering that now; I was at the last meeting and have read Gwen’s files.  Perhaps having participants from Best Bits join the existing list could work equally well so thanks for telling people about that, but I will go back to the person who proposed this and get his further thoughts.

Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Global Policy Analyst
Electronic Frontier Foundation
jmalcolm at eff.org

Tel: 415.436.9333 ext 161

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