[bestbits] [Help]after a successfully signed ITU transparency letter, let's advocate for it??
Deborah Brown
deborah at apc.org
Mon Oct 13 17:17:45 EDT 2014
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Hi all,
There is a provisional participant list available on WCITLeaks:
It's not complete, but at least a start. Hopefully, an updated version
will be made available soon.
Also, lots of proposals are available on WCITLeaks and through Anatel:
On 10/13/14 10:19 AM, Niels ten Oever wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you don't know who your representative at the ITU is, drop me
> an email (mentioning your country) and I will send you the email
> address of your representative.
> So please reach out to your country delegate with the letter:
> http://bestbits.net/busan-transparency/
> And tweet it under the hashtag #openITU
> Let's Open Up the ITU !
> Best,
> Niels
> Niels ten Oever Head of Digital
> Article 19 www.article19.org
> PGP fingerprint = 8D9F C567 BEE4 A431 56C4 678B 08B5 A0F2 636D
> 68E9
> On 10/13/2014 04:56 AM, Joana Varon wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As Lea has mentioned below, the letter asking for ITU
>> transparency was sent to the Secretariat and remains open for
>> signatures at the Best Bits platform:
>> http://bestbits.net/busan-transparency. Therefore, signatures
>> keep coming in (thanks for those who have already signed). But a
>> statement is not enough, its just the first step.
>> As we have no public voice to raise these points at the plenary
>> of the ITU Plenipotentiary - PP, besides reaching the Secretary
>> General (who ultimately also cannot change the rules), _*we need
>> to influence country delegations to support and improve the texts
>> from draft resolutions* that already exist and are asking for
>> transparency.__ _ While countries who have proposed theses draft
>> resolutions (which most of us cannot see because its information
>> under ITU password protection!) are already allies in the matter
>> and could incorporate some of our demands. On the other hand,
>> people from countries which doesnt have a position on this could
>> also be strategic. Therefore, being from any country and even if
>> you are not going or dont intend to be deeply engaged in the PP,
>> just sending the statement to your country delegation is already
>> a huge help for the cause of openness.
>> Remember that, due to the dynamics of the Plenipot, most of the
>> CSO people participating at the PP has to be subscribed within
>> country delegations, therefore might have some diplomatic
>> constraints for doing outreach of CSO positions to other
>> countries, being able to bring these positions only to their own
>> delegation. Thats why any extra help on outreach to Member States
>> is truly welcomed = we need you!* ** So, t**his is the a call:* *
>> ** **a) Reach your country delegate: *ping ur delegation at the
>> ITU-PP on this (list of delegations is available under ITU
>> account, would be good if anyone could point to a link where its
>> public so people would find it easier to send emails to the right
>> person - I couldnt find it yet). To make your engagement easier,
>> a draft sample of an email to deliver it to your representative
>> is available here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/letter2delegation (if
>> you improve it or translate it to other languages, please, also
>> post in the pad so you help the work of others from the same
>> region as you).
>> *b) Tweet under the hashtag #openITU:* if you have delivered the
>> letter, and feel comfortable to, please, tweet about it under
>> the hashtag #OpenITU, so we can also create a little buzz in
>> social media. Example of a tweet: ITU transparency statement was
>> shared with "your_country" delegates #openITU
>> *http://tinyurl.com/oxamjjs*or even tweet it straight to your
>> delegates. ** Lets take advantage that the issue on transparency
>> is so important to raise substantial consensus among many of us
>> to have a little win. In return, those who are going can - and
>> lets be sure we do it - give a follow up to all the lists we have
>> engaged for signatures or requests like this... so people dont
>> get frustrated on signing papers with the impressions it lead
>> nowhere :)
>> Currently, as far as I know, the main argument against opening
>> access to documents is $$$. As some have been arguing that
>> organizations apply for member$hip to have access to this
>> documents. Rationale questionable /per se/ and not strong enough
>> to justify blocking access to policy processes. Times have
>> changed, openness should be a rule.
>> Hope it sounds like a (good/possible) plan.
>> all the best
>> joana
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