[bestbits] Civil society response to NETmundial 2014 outcome text open for endorsement

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Thu May 1 08:51:09 EDT 2014

Hi Niels,

On 05/01/2014 08:10 AM, Niels ten Oever wrote:
> Dear Carlos,
> On 04/30/2014 03:06 PM, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:
>> Finally, it is wrong to say (as they did) that net neutrality was not
>> included in the NETmundial document. Unless they cannot understand
>> English, this is the paragraph on it:
>> "UNIFIED AND UNFRAGMENTED SPACE -- Internet should continue to be a
>> globally coherent, interconnected, stable, unfragmented, scalable and
>> accessible network-of-networks, based on a common set of unique
>> identifiers and that allows data packets/information to flow freely
>> end-to-end regardless of the lawful content."
> This definition allows for charging differentially by user, content,
> site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of
> communication.

It is not a definition -- nobody had said that so far. The 
recommendation for a principle provides the basis without which your 
dreams (which are also ours, or at least mine) would not come true. Do 
you think we would be able to delve into such details in an attempt to 
build a pluralist consensus document? And this is why we mentioned in 
the Roadmap the issue is complex and merits further dialogue and 

In the Marco Civil, we also recognize the issue is not exhausted, this 
is why we agreed to insert the possibility of further regulation under 
the guidance of CGI.br and Anatel. This in itself was a major victory, 
as the transnational telcos (mostly European) who control the network 
market in Brazil did not want even the mention of CGI.br anywhere in the 

Sometimes I think some progressive civil society groups have slipped 
towards Aristotelian logic -- either we get all or nothing -- forgetting 
all about political tactics. Unfortunate.

BTW, I would really like to see the list of orgs who signed (or agreed 
to) the statement. I find it hard to believe that 50-60 orgs were so 
naïve in grasping the relevance of the moment and the nature of the 
final document after participating in the event (I assume they all 

And I thank again Stephanie Perrin for understanding that relevance and 

fraternal regards


> So I am not sure it would fall under my definition of network neutrality.
> Best,
> Niels
> Niels ten Oever
> Acting Head of Digital
> Article 19
> www.article19.org
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