[bestbits] Best Bits communications and collaboration tools for beta testing

Renata Avila renata at webfoundation.org
Mon Apr 14 08:02:41 EDT 2014

Great! Just in time for the note taking during Net Mundial!

I will add those.


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:25 AM, JOSEFSSON Erik <
erik.josefsson at europarl.europa.eu> wrote:

>  Thanks Jeremy!
> Please also feel free to join the DebianParl project and try out a pure
> blend of Debian tailored for use in parliaments:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianParl
> EFF has a story on it (hope yours will be happier):
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/03/trials-and-tribulations-secure-free-software-european-parliament
> And we're running a Pilot Project over here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianParl/GreensEFA
> Best regards.
> //Erik
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net [
> bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] on behalf of Jeremy Malcolm [
> Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au]
> *Sent:* Monday 14 April 2014 09:53
> *To:* Best Bits
> *Subject:* [bestbits] Best Bits communications and collaboration tools
> for beta testing
>   A number of new communications and collaboration tools, based on free
> and open source software, have been made available on the Best Bits server
> for your use.  I would like your help in testing these, to ensure that they
> are working for everyone and can stand up to the load of real-world use.
>  The communications tools installed on our server are:
>    - *XMPP server*.  This can be used for secure voice chat (and, with
>    the right software, for voice and video chat as well), in place of
>    proprietary alternatives such as Skype.  To get started download the XMPP
>    software of your choice such as Jitsi (http://jitsi.org), and contact
>    me for an XMPP account such as yourname at bestbits.net.
>    - *Mumble server*.  I have mentioned this before.  It is a voice chat
>    application which works particularly well with low bandwidth, and is also
>    an alternative to Skype.  Communications are encrypted between you and the
>    server.  Download it from http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ and then
>    connect to the server "bestbits.net" (further instructions are on our
>    wiki at http://bestbits.net/wiki/main/secure-communication-tools/).
>    - *Jitmeet.*  This is basically a web-based video chat, which works
>    with the Chrome browser.  Under the hood, it uses XMPP, though unlike the
>    other options given above, it is installation-free.  Find it at
>    http://jitmeet.bestbits.net.  It is a replacement for other web-based
>    video chats such as Google Hangout and Uberconference.  Like other video
>    chats, it does not work well on low-bandwidth connections.
>  We also have these tools available on our server for collaboration on
> texts:
>    - *Etherpad* (online collaborative notepad) at http://pad.bestbit.net.
>     I'm sure you have all used this before.  From now on, the Best Bits server
>    can also be used to host pads.  This is a simple alternative to proprietary
>    products such as Google Docs.
>    - *Ethercalc* (online collaborative spreadsheet) at
>    http://calc.bestbits.net.  Less well-known than Etherpad, but the
>    concept is similar.  It is a simpler alternative to proprietary products
>    such as Google Calc.
>  Please feel free to make use of the above and please provide me with
> your feedback on any problems you may encounter.
>      --
> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek
> host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'
>  WARNING: This email has not been encrypted. You are strongly recommended
> to enable encryption at your end. For instructions, see
> http://jere.my/l/pgp.
> ____________________________________________________________
> You received this message as a subscriber on the list:
>      bestbits at lists.bestbits.net.
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*Renata Avila *
Global Campaign Lead, Web We Want <https://webwewant.org/>
Human Rights - Intellectual Property Lawyer
+44 2032897004 (UK)

*World Wide Web Foundation | 110 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500, Washington D.C.
20005 USA **| **www.webfoundation.org* <http://www.webfoundation.org/>* |
Twitter: @webfoundation*
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