[bestbits] Position by IT for Change and some other NGOs on enhanced cooperation

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Sat Aug 31 14:14:55 EDT 2013

David Allen <David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Now after the fact, let me concur with the choice, as Michael  
> describes, to endorse both the BestBits statement and that from IT
> For Change.  As I did.
> Until we have a global solution - one born of political realities,
> but steeped in democratic principle - all the mischief that human
> nature so currently displays will continue to run rife.
> No statement is going to satisfy all views.  What we can hope for,
> and surely must encourage, are positions that head in the right
> direction.

Well said!

I agree wholeheartedly.


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