[Governance] FW: [Bp_gender] IGF BPF Gender & Digital Right - call VI - Thur 23 Sept 14:00 UTC

Amrita Choudhury amritachoudhury8 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 22:41:02 EDT 2021

For those who may be interested the IGF Best Practice Forum Gender and Digital Rights in organising a webinar today,  Thursday 23 September, 14:00 UTC. To discuss this year's issue topic related to Gendered disinformation.

In case you are interested to contribute, do register and join the session https://intgovforum.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtd-qtqjIqGdX6sfSutna-K1Xm74gji6TM



-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Degezelle <wdegezelle at drmv.be> 
Sent: 20 September 2021 18:39
To: bp_gender at intgovforum.org
Subject: [Bp_gender] IGF BPF Gender & Digital Right - call VI - Thur 23 Sept 14:00 UTC

Dear All, 

This is a reminder for the upcoming meeting of the Best Practice Forum Gender and Digital Rights, Thursday 23 September, 14:00 UTC. 

Please use the link below to register for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the information to join the meeting.

Information on this year's BPF work on Gendered disinformation can be found on the webpage https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-gender-and-digital-rights <https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-gender-and-digital-rights> .

The BPF has published a summary report of it’s ‘Learning sessions on Gendered disinformation’. The report is available here https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/filedepot_download/5004/2636 <https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/filedepot_download/5004/2636> .

Looking forward to discussing with you the next steps for the BPF!

On behalf of the BPF coordinating team
Chenai, Amrita, Bruna, Debora, Marwa, Wim


Wim Degezelle
Consultant IGF Secretariat / Best Practice Forums

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