[Governance] Call for proposals GISWatch 2021-2022 - “COVID-19: Changes to digital rights priorities and strategies”

Valeria Betancourt valeriab at apc.org
Fri Nov 5 18:20:59 EDT 2021

Dear all,

APC is pleased to announce that we have published a call for proposals
for the 2021-2022 edition of Global Information Society Watch
(GISWatch). This year, the theme will be “COVID-19: Changes to digital
rights priorities and strategies”.

This edition aims to address to key questions:     
a.    How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed or shaped the ways in which
civil society organisations do their advocacy work around digital
technology-related issues, including digital rights?
b.    How have digital technology and digital rights advocacy priorities
shifted due to the pandemic?

To find out more, you can read the full terms of reference here and
everything you need to prepare a proposal:

Please note that the deadline for submissions is *22 November.* You can
find out more about GISWatch and read previous editions at the following
link:  https://giswatch.org/about

We hope you will help us share this call with your networks, and look
forward to receiving your proposals!

With best wishes on behalf of the GISWatch team,


Valeria Betancourt
Directora / Manager
Programa de Políticas de Information y Comunicación / Communication and
Information Policy Programme
Global Policy Advocacy / Incidencia política global 
Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones / Association for
Progressive Communications, APC
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