[Governance] Alliance for the Future of the Internet

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Fri Nov 5 11:00:13 EDT 2021

Surprising how suddenly the Internet which was all this while
value-neutral and thus non-political (so that the US could keep de facto
control over the Internet against globally politically negotiated
governance of it) has suddenly become so highly value-laden and
political.. Of course, the Masters of the World decide what is the truth
at any given time!  In UK, the Tony Blair Institute is calling for an
Internet based on western values, actually calling it the NATO for the
. What happens to the values and political choices of other parts of the
world, say, the developing countries?


On 05/11/21 8:11 pm, Ayden Férdeline via Governance wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone have any additional information on the so-called “Alliance
> for the Future of the Internet” that Politico mentions in this article
> <https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/04/biden-democracy-summit-technology-519530>?
> They do share a short discussion paper and timeline that the U.S. will
> be proposing next month, but if there are any conversations involving
> civil society, would be great to learn more... Thanks!
> https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/04/biden-democracy-summit-technology-519530
> <https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/04/biden-democracy-summit-technology-519530>
> Best wishes,
> Ayden Férdeline
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