[Governance] Anti-Zoom-bombing guide

Chris Prince Udochukwu Njọkụ udochukwu.njoku at unn.edu.ng
Fri Apr 17 19:45:07 EDT 2020

Thank you so much, Michael, for this. It's an intelligent, well crafted
piece that will be very useful. I recommend it to everyone.

Regarding reporting a hijacker to Zoom who can take measures to report to
law enforcement officials, I'd like us to keep in mind, while doing that,
that the hijacker or intruder might be a law enforcement official or other
government agent who might be waging an official war and Zoom might do
little more than blocking/blacklisting. We know how governments are
increasingly spying the online space for persons, groups and activities
they perceive as anti-government.

Chris Prince Udochukwu *Njọkụ*, Ph.D.
Computer Communications Centre
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 410001

 We mustn't remain with old ways of doing things,

especially if they're not yielding optimum results.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 8:16 PM Michael J. Oghia via Governance <
governance at lists.igcaucus.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I hope you're all safe and well in these surreal times.
> Yesterday, while I was participating in a Zoom session hosted by an
> activists' group I'm part of, our meeting was "bombed" (hijacked) by highly
> disturbing and traumatising imagery. This experience left all of us on the
> call quite shaken, but I told myself that it can be the catalyst for action
> so that we can protect ourselves going forward.
> As such, I compiled a short guide
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zUV_z0XkuN2rQ5bDYFx9BBWM4rpYpO5Ker5ZWDnPr9M/edit?usp=sharing>
> on how to protect ourselves from Zoom-bombing that I want to share.
> Stay safe and well,
> -Michael
> __________________
> Michael J. Oghia | Advocacy & Engagement Manager
> Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD <https://gfmd.info>)
> Belgrade, Serbia | Twitter <https://www.twitter.com/MikeOghia> | LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeoghia>
> --
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