[governance] IGF 2019 Civil society pre-event: planning and preparation
Sheetal Kumar
sheetal at gp-digital.org
Wed Nov 20 12:04:31 EST 2019
Hi Veronica,
No worries!
It would be great if APC can facilitate the session on content moderation.
Bruna has offered to facilitate the breakout on the HLP. Would that be ok?
On Wed, 20 Nov 2019 at 16:08, Veronica <veronica at apc.org> wrote:
> Hi Sheetal,
> Thanks for the update -and to you and Bruna for organizing this.
> Just wanted to clarify whether APC will be facilitating the breakout on
> the High-Level Panel. Or are we deciding that during the meeting? We
> offered help with that group and the one on content moderation, if needed.
> Just double-checking so we prepare in advance.
> Thanks and see you all in Berlin.
> Verónica
> Best regards. On 20/11/2019 12:40, Sheetal Kumar wrote:
> Dear all,
> Bruna and I are looking forward to seeing some of you next week for the
> civil society pre-event in Berlin.
> We have about 25 RSVPs so far, and are keeping the webpage updated:
> https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event
> We don't have any facilitators for the content regulation session or
> sustainable development break-outs. However, I suggest that we proceed as
> planned and at the beginning of the session we agree all the breakouts and
> confirm facilitators for each. There may be someone who wants to run a
> session on the day and I don't see why that shouldn't happen! Conversely,
> if there aren't enough facilitators we can drop a couple of them.
> Also, thanks to those who filled out the survey. I've attached the
> responses (anonymous) in case they're useful to refer to during the meeting.
> This is the direct link to the event:
> https://igf2019.sched.com/event/SU0F/pre-event-43-civil-society-coordination-meeting
> *Address and time below: *
> Monday November 25, 2019 12:35 - 15:35
> Estrel Saal B <https://igf2019.sched.com/venue/Estrel+Saal+B> *Sonnenallee
> 225, 12057 Berlin, Germany
> <https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=52.473107,13.4587819&z=13&layer=t>*
> We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions at all in
> the meantime, please let us know.
> Safe travels,
> Best
> Sheetal and Bruna
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pre-event 43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting
> *Part 1 - 30-40 mins?*
> - Welcome and update on IGC (Bruna and Sheetal)
> - Expectations from the event (plenary)
> *Part 2 - 1-1.5 hours?*
> Issues (five issues)
> - Breakout led by different volunteers (e.g each group defines the
> issue, problem at hand, key forums/spaces where issues is being discussed,
> possible messages)
> - Multistakeholder initiatives in IG (w/ focus on High Level Panel
> on Digital Cooperation)
> - Sustainable Development
> - Content regulation (w/ focus on Christchurch call)
> - State behaviour in cyberspace (w/ focus on 1st Committee and 3rd
> Committee)
> - Emerging technologies (w/ discussion of 'ethics')
> - Plenary: each group shares summary of break-out group discussion
> *Part 3 - 45 mins?*
> Next steps, including IGC internal issues
> - How do we work together/collaborate on the issues identified?
> - Discussion of other issues including internal IGC which will necessitate
> working together
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 at 19:02, Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As an update, we've received 11 RSVPs for the pre-event! Looking forward
>> to seeing you.
>> If you're intending to come, please do RSVP here:
>> https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/
>> Best
>> Sheetal
>> On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 at 08:23, Michael J. Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Sheetal, all:
>>> Thank you so much for all your work on this Sheetal (and you too Bruna).
>>> I'm sorry I can't volunteer to facilitate the sustainable development
>>> group, but I have another event that begins about 30 minutes after the IGC
>>> session (this year's Day 0 is crazy).
>>> Best,
>>> -Michael
>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 6:23 PM Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> We've received a few RSVPs for the day 0 event, which is great! Please
>>>> RSVP here if you haven't already done so:
>>>> https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/
>>>> We will also publish the agenda on the webpage.
>>>> However, before we do, we don't have any facilitator for the break-out
>>>> group on 'Sustainable Development'. This is definitely an important area
>>>> but if we can't find a facilitator for the session we will unfortunately
>>>> have to drop it because Bruna and I can only be in so many places at the
>>>> same time :) As such, please do get in touch if you'd be interested in
>>>> facilitating that session.
>>>> Best
>>>> Sheetal
>>>> On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 11:26, Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Veronica, all,
>>>>> Thank you for volunteering to lead those sessions! I'll note that
>>>>> down.
>>>>> Also, for all those planning to attend, we've set up this RSVP (thanks
>>>>> Imran)!
>>>>> Please RSVP as this will greatly help with planning. The event will be
>>>>> held from 12:35-15:35 on day 0 (Monday) of the IGF.
>>>>> https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/
>>>>> Best
>>>>> Sheetal.
>>>>> On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 17:08, Veronica <veronica at apc.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Sheetal, thanks for sharing the schedule and for putting it together.
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I am Verónica Ferrari and I recently joined the list and APC as a
>>>>>> Coordinator at the Global Policy Team. From APC, we will be participating
>>>>>> in the meeting and happy to help with the sessions on Content Moderation
>>>>>> and/or the multi-stakeholder initiatives/High Panel on Digital Cooperation,
>>>>>> if needed.
>>>>>> *Best regards. ** Verónica *
>>>>>> On 22/10/2019 13:45, Sheetal Kumar wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Thanks for the inputs! To confirm the event is "Pre-event 43: Civil
>>>>>> Society Coordination Meeting" and is taking place on Monday November 25
>>>>>> from 12:35 to 15:35. On addressing themes instead of initiatives, it was
>>>>>> suggested elsewhere that we should try and develop a response to the HLPDC
>>>>>> report in some way so that's why I put that down as a focus.
>>>>>> I've adapted the schedule below to reflect the input so far,
>>>>>> highlighting the changes in light yellow.
>>>>>> If we could get volunteer facilitators for each session that would be
>>>>>> great :) - any takers?
>>>>>> Best
>>>>>> Sheetal
>>>>>> *---------------------------------------*
>>>>>> Pre-event 43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting
>>>>>> *Part 1 - 30-40 mins?*
>>>>>> - Welcome and update on IGC (Bruna and Sheetal)
>>>>>> - Expectations from the event (plenary)
>>>>>> *Part 2 - 1-1.5 hours?*
>>>>>> Issues (six issues)
>>>>>> - Breakout led by different volunteers (e.g each group defines
>>>>>> the issue, problem at hand, key forums/spaces where issues is being
>>>>>> discussed, possible messages)
>>>>>> - Multistakeholder initiatives in IG (w/ focus on High Level
>>>>>> Panel on Digital Cooperation)
>>>>>> - Cybercrime
>>>>>> - Sustainable Development
>>>>>> - Content regulation (w/ focus on Christchurch call)
>>>>>> - Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace (w/ focus
>>>>>> on 1st Committee)
>>>>>> - Emerging technologies (w/ discussion of 'ethics')
>>>>>> - Plenary: each group shares summary of break-out group
>>>>>> discussion
>>>>>> *Part 3 - 45 mins?*
>>>>>> Next steps, including IGC internal issues
>>>>>> - How do we work together/collaborate on the issues identified?
>>>>>> - Discussion of other issues including internal IGC which will
>>>>>> necessitate working together
>>>>>> On Mon, 21 Oct 2019 at 19:48, Peter Micek <peter at accessnow.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I agree with Farzaneh on combining into themes.
>>>>>>> What is the goal and scope of the ethics discussion? I note the
>>>>>>> recommendation to qualify it as 'ethical use of data.' But I mainly hear of
>>>>>>> ethics in terms of safeguards on AI, which would go beyond a data oriented
>>>>>>> discussion. If this was meant to cover the discussion of fairness and
>>>>>>> ethics in AI, might it not be better to have a 'Emerging Technologies'
>>>>>>> section, where we could talk of the different approaches to AI, blockchain,
>>>>>>> 5g, etc., from ethics to data protection to human rights?
>>>>>>> Just on its face, I would hate to see the civil society agenda
>>>>>>> mainly discussing emerging technologies through a lens of 'ethics.'
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 9:53 AM Arsène Tungali <
>>>>>>> arsenebaguma at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Sheetal, all,
>>>>>>>> My apologies for being silent on this, so many things going on in my
>>>>>>>> world. Thanks for suggesting an outline, Sheetal, which looks great
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>> I want to echo and support the inputs by Frzaneh and Judith which I
>>>>>>>> think make sense.
>>>>>>>> I believe our session is the following, as seen on the agenda,
>>>>>>>> right?
>>>>>>>> Pre-event 43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting
>>>>>>>> Monday November 25, 2019 12:35 - 15:35
>>>>>>>> If that's the case, the time hasn't changed according to what you
>>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>>> in your original email? Please do help clarify.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Arsene
>>>>>>>> 2019-10-20 10:28 UTC+03:00, Remmy Nweke <
>>>>>>>> governance at lists.riseup.net>:
>>>>>>>> > Hi Sheetal
>>>>>>>> > This looks good as I hope the cybercrime session will be able to
>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>> > and accommodate issues of Stereotyping Cybercrime and CS,
>>>>>>>> particularly.
>>>>>>>> > Weldone.
>>>>>>>> > ____
>>>>>>>> > REMMY NWEKE, mNGE,
>>>>>>>> > Lead Consulting Strategist/Group Executive Editor,
>>>>>>>> > DigitalSENSE Africa Media [*Multiple-award winning medium*]
>>>>>>>> > (DigitalSENSE Business News
>>>>>>>> > <http://www.digitalsenseafrica.com.ng/businessnews>; ITREALMS
>>>>>>>> > <http://www.itrealms.com.ng>, NaijaAgroNet
>>>>>>>> > <http://www.naijaagronet.com.ng>)
>>>>>>>> > Block F1, Shop 133 Moyosore Aboderin Plaza, Bolade Junction,
>>>>>>>> Oshodi-Lagos
>>>>>>>> > M: 234-8033592762, 8023122558, 8051000475, T: @ITRealms
>>>>>>>> > <http://www.twitter.com/ITRealms>
>>>>>>>> > Author: A Decade of ICT Reportage in Nigeria
>>>>>>>> > <https://www.facebook.com/adecadeofictreportageinnigeria%E2%80%8E
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > *2020 Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum on IG4D & Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable
>>>>>>>> > <http://www.digitalsenseafrica.com.ng>*
>>>>>>>> > JOIN us!!
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > *Vice President, African Civil Society on the Information Society
>>>>>>>> (ACSIS
>>>>>>>> > <http://www.acsis-scasi.org/en/>)
>>>>>>>> > _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>> > *Confidentiality Notice:* The information in this document and
>>>>>>>> attachments
>>>>>>>> > are confidential and may also be privileged information. It is
>>>>>>>> intended
>>>>>>>> > only for the use of the named recipient. Remmy Nweke does not
>>>>>>>> accept legal
>>>>>>>> > responsibility for the contents of this e-mail. If you are not
>>>>>>>> the intended
>>>>>>>> > recipient, please notify me immediately, then delete this
>>>>>>>> document and do
>>>>>>>> > not disclose the contents of this document to any other person,
>>>>>>>> nor make
>>>>>>>> > any copies. Violators may face court persecution.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 4:26 PM Sheetal Kumar <
>>>>>>>> sheetal at gp-digital.org>
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Please find below the suggestions so far discussed among IGC
>>>>>>>> members for
>>>>>>>> >> the format of our day 0 event. I suggest for the second part
>>>>>>>> that we
>>>>>>>> >> identify volunteers for each of the six issue areas to
>>>>>>>> facilitate the
>>>>>>>> >> discussion.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> It would be great to get your views on the below over the coming
>>>>>>>> days:
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> - What do you think of the proposed format?
>>>>>>>> >> - Would you like to volunteer to facilitate any of the issue area
>>>>>>>> >> discussions in part 2?
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you!
>>>>>>>> >> Best
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Sheetal.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> *Part 1 - 30-40 mins?*
>>>>>>>> >> Welcome and update on IGC (Bruna and Sheetal)
>>>>>>>> >> Expectations from the event (plenary)
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> *Part 2 - 1-1.5 hours?*
>>>>>>>> >> Issues (six issues)
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> - Breakout led by different volunteers (e.g each group
>>>>>>>> defines the
>>>>>>>> >> issue, problem at hand, key forums/spaces where issues is
>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>> >> discussed,
>>>>>>>> >> possible messages)
>>>>>>>> >> - High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
>>>>>>>> >> - Cybercrime
>>>>>>>> >> - Ethics
>>>>>>>> >> - Sustainable Development
>>>>>>>> >> - Christchurch call
>>>>>>>> >> - Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace
>>>>>>>> >> - Plenary: each group shares summary of break-out group
>>>>>>>> discussion
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> *Part 3 - 45 mins?*
>>>>>>>> >> Next steps, including IGC internal issues
>>>>>>>> >> - How do we work together/collaborate on the issues identified?
>>>>>>>> >> - Discussion of other issues including internal IGC which will
>>>>>>>> >> necessitate
>>>>>>>> >> working together
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 10:10, Michael J. Oghia <
>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Nick, to clarify, I will never try to argue *against* speaking
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> >>> climate change and sustainability, so if people really want to
>>>>>>>> discuss
>>>>>>>> >>> that
>>>>>>>> >>> then great!
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> This is a good suggestion as well. I'd be happy to do a webinar
>>>>>>>> at some
>>>>>>>> >>> point (I already have the presentation and have delivered it
>>>>>>>> before).
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Again, I won't discourage the pursuit of this topic. Let's see
>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>> >>> others say, but know that I am flexible (topic-wide) regardless!
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Best,
>>>>>>>> >>> -Michael
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:03 AM Nick Shorey <
>>>>>>>> lists at nickshorey.com>
>>>>>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Thanks Bruna for linking me in, and I’m excited to read all the
>>>>>>>> >>>> interesting topics and activity that’s happening here!
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Regarding an agenda item on sustainability, I politely
>>>>>>>> disagree with
>>>>>>>> >>>> Michael and suggest that we *do* have an agenda item on this
>>>>>>>> topic, if
>>>>>>>> >>>> possible within the schedule.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> My reason being is that it appears there is a broad interest
>>>>>>>> in this
>>>>>>>> >>>> topic, but that many people are not actually aware of all the
>>>>>>>> activity
>>>>>>>> >>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>> is going on, in particular the work that IRPC has been doing.
>>>>>>>> From a
>>>>>>>> >>>> personal standpoint, when I looked through the IGF schedule,
>>>>>>>> it was not
>>>>>>>> >>>> at
>>>>>>>> >>>> all obvious that the IRPC session would cover climate change.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> I’m sure I won’t be alone in this, so I reckon a brief agenda
>>>>>>>> item -
>>>>>>>> >>>> maybe with Michael delivering an overview of the work that’s
>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>> >>>> taking
>>>>>>>> >>>> place and direct people where to engage - would be an
>>>>>>>> excellent way to
>>>>>>>> >>>> raise awareness, build a groundswell of interest, and
>>>>>>>> compliment the
>>>>>>>> >>>> work
>>>>>>>> >>>> of other tracks by bringing more people into the fold and
>>>>>>>> amplifying
>>>>>>>> >>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>> message.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Michael maybe you could then follow this up with a webinar or
>>>>>>>> >>>> something,
>>>>>>>> >>>> but I strongly believe there is real value to a brief agenda
>>>>>>>> item
>>>>>>>> >>>> introducing the topic and current activities, and doing so in
>>>>>>>> person to
>>>>>>>> >>>> build energy and focus, and so people can put a face to a name
>>>>>>>> and have
>>>>>>>> >>>> someone they can also chat to during the margins of the event.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Nick
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Nick Shorey
>>>>>>>> >>>> Phone: +44 (0) 7552 455 988
>>>>>>>> >>>> Email: lists at nickshorey.com <lists at nickshorey.com>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Skype: nick.shorey
>>>>>>>> >>>> Twitter: @nickshorey
>>>>>>>> >>>> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicklinkedin
>>>>>>>> >>>> Web: www.nickshorey.com
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> On 26 Sep 2019, at 16:35, Arzak Khan <director at ipop.org.pk>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Dear Peter,
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> I would like to be involved in the program and share my
>>>>>>>> experiences.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Arzak
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Get Outlook for Android <https://aka.ms/ghei36>
>>>>>>>> >>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>> >>>> *From:* governance-request at lists.riseup.net <
>>>>>>>> >>>> governance-request at lists.riseup.net> on behalf of Peter Micek
>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>> >>>> peter at accessnow.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>> *Sent:* Thursday, September 26, 2019 6:27:51 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>> *To:* amessinoukossi at gmail.com <amessinoukossi at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> >>>> *Cc:* MYGMAIL <nnenna75 at gmail.com>; Sheetal Kumar <
>>>>>>>> >>>> sheetal at gp-digital.org>; Michael J. Oghia <
>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com>;
>>>>>>>> >>>> governance <governance at lists.riseup.net>; Nick Shorey Lists <
>>>>>>>> >>>> lists at nickshorey.com>; Naman Aggarwal <naman at accessnow.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>> *Subject:* Re: [governance] IGF 2019 Civil society pre-event:
>>>>>>>> planning
>>>>>>>> >>>> and preparation
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> I would like to use about 5 minutes of the Day 0 meeting to
>>>>>>>> discuss
>>>>>>>> >>>> digital ID programmes, and update on the new #WhyID coalition
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>> statement. The campaign asserts that digital ID programs must
>>>>>>>> respect
>>>>>>>> >>>> good
>>>>>>>> >>>> governance, data privacy, and cybersecurity norms. These
>>>>>>>> mandatory ID
>>>>>>>> >>>> programmes are quickly being imposed without a chance for
>>>>>>>> civil society
>>>>>>>> >>>> input, and before asking whether and why we need them.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> If you'd like to get involved in the campaign, ping Naman
>>>>>>>> Aggarwal
>>>>>>>> >>>> (cc'd) at Access Now.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> >>>> Peter
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 10:28 PM Kossi Amessinou <
>>>>>>>> >>>> governance at lists.riseup.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> >>>>> This charter
>>>>>>>> >>>>> <
>>>>>>>> https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/files/files/directions_services/numerique/Charte-pour-un-internet-libre-et-sur.pdf
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >>>>> is important for all but we can put also the african
>>>>>>>> declaration (FR
>>>>>>>> >>>>> <
>>>>>>>> http://africaninternetrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/African-Declaration-French-FINAL.pdf
>>>>>>>> >,
>>>>>>>> >>>>> EN
>>>>>>>> >>>>> <
>>>>>>>> http://africaninternetrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/African-Declaration-English-FINAL.pdf
>>>>>>>> >)
>>>>>>>> >>>>> on the table.
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Le mar. 24 sept. 2019 à 18:56, Nnenna Nwakanma <
>>>>>>>> >>>>> governance at lists.riseup.net> a écrit :
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> I think the UN High-Level Panel Report on Digital
>>>>>>>> Cooperation should
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> be on the agenda. Not just feedback on the report, but
>>>>>>>> anticipating
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> CS
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> engagement going forward.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Following the Christchurch call a Charter
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> <
>>>>>>>> https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/numerique/charte-pour-internet-libre-ouvert-et-sur
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> was launched. I have also copied and posted what I think is
>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> important
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Declaration of key governments. Simply put, we need to
>>>>>>>> discuss how
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> we
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> respond to internet governance legislation and regulatory
>>>>>>>> moves
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> across the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> world.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> If all goes as planned, I will be in Berlin
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> N
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> ------ Forwarded Message --------
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> The following text is a joint statement affirmed by these
>>>>>>>> countries:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, the Czech Republic,
>>>>>>>> Denmark,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Estonia,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan,
>>>>>>>> Latvia,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, the
>>>>>>>> Republic
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,
>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> United
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> States.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Begin Text:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Joint Statement on Advancing Responsible State Behavior in
>>>>>>>> Cyberspace
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Information technology is transforming modern life, driving
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> innovation
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> and productivity, facilitating the sharing of ideas, of
>>>>>>>> cultures, and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> promoting free expression. Its benefits have brought the
>>>>>>>> global
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> community
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> closer together than ever before in history. Even as we
>>>>>>>> recognize the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> myriad benefits that cyberspace has brought to our citizens
>>>>>>>> and strive
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> ensure that humanity can continue to reap its benefits, a
>>>>>>>> challenge to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> vision has emerged. State and non-state actors are using
>>>>>>>> cyberspace
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> increasingly as a platform for irresponsible behavior from
>>>>>>>> which to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> target
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> critical infrastructure and our citizens, undermine
>>>>>>>> democracies and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> international institutions and organizations, and undercut
>>>>>>>> fair
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> competition
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> in our global economy by stealing ideas when they cannot
>>>>>>>> create them.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Over the past decade, the international community has made
>>>>>>>> clear that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> the international rules-based order should guide state
>>>>>>>> behavior in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> cyberspace. UN member states have increasingly coalesced
>>>>>>>> around an
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> evolving
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace
>>>>>>>> (framework),
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> which
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> supports the international rules-based order, affirms the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> applicability of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> international law to state-on-state behavior, adherence to
>>>>>>>> voluntary
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> norms
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> of responsible state behavior in peacetime, and the
>>>>>>>> development and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> implementation of practical confidence building measures to
>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> reduce the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> risk of conflict stemming from cyber incidents. All members
>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> United
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Nations General Assembly have repeatedly affirmed this
>>>>>>>> framework,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> articulated in three successive UN Groups of Governmental
>>>>>>>> Experts
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> reports
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> in 2010, 2013, and 2015.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> We underscore our commitment to uphold the international
>>>>>>>> rules-based
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> order and encourage its adherence, implementation, and
>>>>>>>> further
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> development,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> including at the ongoing UN negotiations of the Open Ended
>>>>>>>> Working
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Group
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> and Group of Governmental Experts. We support targeted
>>>>>>>> cybersecurity
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> capacity building to ensure that all responsible states can
>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> framework and better protect their networks from significant
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> disruptive,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> destructive, or otherwise destabilizing cyber activity. We
>>>>>>>> reiterate
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> human rights apply and must be respected and protected by
>>>>>>>> states
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> online, as
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> well as offline, including when addressing cybersecurity.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> As responsible states that uphold the international
>>>>>>>> rules-based
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> order,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> we recognize our role in safeguarding the benefits of a
>>>>>>>> free, open,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> secure cyberspace for future generations. When necessary, we
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> work
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> together on a voluntary basis to hold states accountable
>>>>>>>> when they
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> act
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> contrary to this framework, including by taking measures
>>>>>>>> that are
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> transparent and consistent with international law. There
>>>>>>>> must be
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> consequences for bad behavior in cyberspace.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> We call on all states to support the evolving framework and
>>>>>>>> to join
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> with us to ensure greater accountability and stability in
>>>>>>>> cyberspace.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> End Text
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> For further information, please contact the Office of the
>>>>>>>> Coordinator
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> for Cyber Issues at SCCI_Press at state.gov.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 4:59 PM Sheetal Kumar
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> <sheetal at gp-digital.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thanks for these inputs!
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> So far I've got that people are interested in discussing the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> following topics: 1) cybercrime 2) ethics 3) sustainability.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> I suggest we together a small working group who has the
>>>>>>>> capacity to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> steer the organisation of the session in an inclusive way.
>>>>>>>> If you're
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> interested in being part of that, if you could email Bruna
>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> we'll
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> start a dedicated thread to support the organisation of the
>>>>>>>> event.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> smaller group will liaise with everyone once we have some
>>>>>>>> initial
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> ideas to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> propose on how to organise the event.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Hope that's ok?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Sheetal
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 16:22, "Michael J. Oghia" <
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> governance at lists.riseup.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hi Bruna, all:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thanks for looping me in. I've been hoping for some time
>>>>>>>> that more
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> people throughout the IG community would see the value in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> discussing
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> climate change and sustainability as it relates to our
>>>>>>>> work. Indeed,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> different groups and initiatives are working on it, albeit
>>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> sectors
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> and stakeholder groups.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> It's a massive problem – and it's not just data centers,
>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> literally everything you can think of as it relates to
>>>>>>>> technology.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> While
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Internet governance tends (or at least tries) to limit
>>>>>>>> itself to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> discussions about processes or what's *on* the Internet,
>>>>>>>> the fact
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> is there are multiple ways that the IG community could
>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> sustainability more broadly (see the EuroDIG 2017 session
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> <https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/WS_11_2017> I organised, for
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> instance).
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> At the same time, IRPC is really spearheading this at the
>>>>>>>> moment. I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> think it's more prudent to join with them in support to
>>>>>>>> address how
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> climate
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> change and sustainability are, at the very core, human
>>>>>>>> rights
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> issues, as
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> well as to limit redundancy. Instead of briefing everyone
>>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> issue, for
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> example, I'd happily give a webinar to anyone interested
>>>>>>>> about the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> interconnections (but I've also written extensively about
>>>>>>>> it).
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> My suggestion is to support IRPC and leave the CS
>>>>>>>> pre-event to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> strategy or another topic that isn't covered at all by the
>>>>>>>> IGF (the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> workshops have a rather narrow focus this year, to put it
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> diplomatic
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> terms).
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 3:02 PM Bruna Martins dos Santos <
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Sheetal,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Maybe its worth considering a discussion on climate
>>>>>>>> change and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Internet Governance to our day zero meeting. This is
>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> thats been
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> discussed at a different thread set at NCSG mailing list,
>>>>>>>> but there
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> to be some interest to facilitate a discussion on these
>>>>>>>> lines at
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> the igf
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> and even require some policy outcome that would look to
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> matter.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> @Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com> and @Nick Shorey
>>>>>>>> Lists
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> <lists at nickshorey.com> have been starting this
>>>>>>>> conversation at the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> NSCG mailing list and I am cc'ing them here!
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Bruna
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Le dim. 15 sept. 2019 à 06:38, Amali De Silva <
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> governance at lists.riseup.net> a écrit :
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Please include the teaching of ethics in a globally
>>>>>>>> connected
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> society
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> … right thought for right action is never out of fashion
>>>>>>>> , right
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> planning for best action is good risk management … right
>>>>>>>> attitude
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> compassion for human care ….
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Amali De SIlva-Mitchell
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 13, 2019 08:38:41
>>>>>>>> AM PDT,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Remmy Nweke <governance at lists.riseup.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hi Sheetal
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> This is great thought.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Although not sure of attending yet, I will like to be
>>>>>>>> part of the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> planning team.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Will like also to see issues on "Stereotyping of Cyber
>>>>>>>> Crime and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Effects on Developing Economies and Role of Civil
>>>>>>>> Society."
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Remmy
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019, 12:57 AM Sheetal Kumar <
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> sheetal at gp-digital.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I'm getting in touch here about planning one of the
>>>>>>>> civil society
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> pre-events to the IGF session. It's called "Civil society
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> coordination
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> meeting (Global Partners Digital)" in the schedule but
>>>>>>>> it is *not
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> *a GPD event. I just applied for it, that's all. It's an
>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> open to all civil society, and I would suggest that
>>>>>>>> members of IGC
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> be actively involved in shaping its agenda. It's been
>>>>>>>> moved to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> from to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 13.30 - 15.30 pm following a request from the IGF
>>>>>>>> Secretariat.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> When a few of us met on the sidelines of RightsCon
>>>>>>>> earlier this
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> year we suggested that the event could focus on sharing
>>>>>>>> updates on
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> key
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> global processes and perhaps planning for how to input
>>>>>>>> into them
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> e.g: the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> High Level Panel, the UN First Committee processes on
>>>>>>>> cyber and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> any others.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> And we could also discuss any matters pertaining to the
>>>>>>>> IGC.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As such, I would be grateful if you could share your
>>>>>>>> views on the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - What topics and/or forums should we discuss at the
>>>>>>>> civil
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> society
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> pre-event?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - Would you like to discuss any topics related to IGC
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> specifically?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - How should we discuss these topics (presentations, or
>>>>>>>> just open
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> discussions) bearing in mind we have only 2 hours?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - What outcome would you like to see from the pre-event?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - Would you like to be involved in planning the event
>>>>>>>> (this will
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> require a dedication of a few hours over the next two
>>>>>>>> months, I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> can't say
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> how much)
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> It would also be great if you could let me know if you're
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> planning
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> to be there. I know this is dependent on funding for
>>>>>>>> many of us
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> but if you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> can give an indication that would be great.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to hearing from you!
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Sheetal
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D
>>>>>>>> 173B E9E2
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 0603 DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net
>>>>>>>> >
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>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> @boomartins
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B
>>>>>>>> E9E2
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> 0603 DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> --
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Dr AMESSINOU Kossi
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Docteur en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Téléphone: +229 95 19 67 02
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Whatsapp: +229 99 38 98 17
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Boîte Postale: 01BP7304 Cotonou - Bénin
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Emails: kossi.amessinou at fgi.bj
>>>>>>>> >>>>> kamessinou at gouv.bj <kamessinou at developpement.gouv.bj>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> amessinoukossi at gmail.com
>>>>>>>> >>>>> skype: amessinou | @amessinou | @bigf
>>>>>>>> >>>>> http://www.facebook.com/amessinoukossi |
>>>>>>>> >>>>> www.linkedin.com/pub/kossi-amessinou
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Que Dieu vous bénisse | Dans le silence, Dieu nous parle! Ma
>>>>>>>> parole
>>>>>>>> >>>>> est
>>>>>>>> >>>>> mon pouvoir.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> ---
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>>>>>>>> >>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> --
>>>>>>>> >>>> Peter Micek
>>>>>>>> >>>> General Counsel
>>>>>>>> >>>> Access Now | accessnow.org <http://www.accessnow.org/>
>>>>>>>> >>>> RightsCon | rightscon.org
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Pronouns: He/Him
>>>>>>>> >>>> Tel: +1-888-414-0100 x709
>>>>>>>> >>>> PGP: 0xA5BD70B0
>>>>>>>> >>>> Fingerprint: 6CFE 8E9F ED8E 66B8 BE38 EA59 002C EEF5 A5BD 70B0
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> * *Subscribe* to the Access Now Express
>>>>>>>> >>>> <https://www.accessnow.org/express>
>>>>>>>> >>>> <https://www.accessnow.org/express>,
>>>>>>>> >>>> our weekly newsletter on digital rights
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> --
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> *Sheetal Kumar*
>>>>>>>> >> Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
>>>>>>>> >> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>>>>>>>> >> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>>>>>>>> >> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2
>>>>>>>> 0603
>>>>>>>> >> DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>>>>> **Arsène Tungali* <http://about.me/ArseneTungali>*
>>>>>>>> Co-Founder & Executive Director, *Rudi international
>>>>>>>> <http://www.rudiinternational.org>*,
>>>>>>>> CEO,* Smart Services Sarl <https://www.smart-kitoko.com/>*,
>>>>>>>> Tel: +243 993810967 (DRC)
>>>>>>>> GPG: 523644A0
>>>>>>>> 2015 Mandela Washington Fellow
>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>> http://tungali.blogspot.com/2015/06/selected-for-2015-mandela-washington.html
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> (YALI) - ICANN GNSO Council Member
>>>>>>>> <https://gnso.icann.org/en/about/gnso-council.htm> Member. UN IGF
>>>>>>>> MAG
>>>>>>>> <https://www.un.org/press/en/2018/pi2247.doc.htm> Member
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Peter Micek
>>>>>>> General Counsel
>>>>>>> Access Now | accessnow.org <http://www.accessnow.org>
>>>>>>> RightsCon | rightscon.org
>>>>>>> Pronouns: He/Him
>>>>>>> Tel: +1-888-414-0100 x709
>>>>>>> PGP: 0xA5BD70B0
>>>>>>> Fingerprint: 6CFE 8E9F ED8E 66B8 BE38 EA59 002C EEF5 A5BD 70B0
>>>>>>> * *Subscribe* to the Access Now Express
>>>>>>> <https://www.accessnow.org/express> <
>>>>>>> https://www.accessnow.org/express>, our weekly newsletter on
>>>>>>> digital rights
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*
>>>>>> Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
>>>>>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>>>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>>>>>> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2
>>>>>> 0603 DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net> <igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
>>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists> <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Verónica Ferrari
>>>>>> Global Policy Advocacy Coordinator
>>>>>> Association for Progressive Communications (APC)www.apc.orgveronica at apc.org
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
>>>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*
>>>>> Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
>>>>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>>>>> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603
>>>>> DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
>>>> --
>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*
>>>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>>>> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603
>>>> DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
>>>> ---
>>>> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
>>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>> --
>> *Sheetal Kumar*
>> Senior Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
>> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603
>> DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
> --
> *Sheetal Kumar*
> Senior Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
> PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603
> DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
> ---
> To unsubscribe: <mailto:igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net> <igc-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net>
> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists> <https://riseup.net/lists>
> --
> Verónica Ferrari
> Global Policy Advocacy Coordinator
> Association for Progressive Communications (APC)www.apc.orgveronica at apc.org
*Sheetal Kumar*
Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603 DD7F
E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
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