[governance] Hello from your co-cos
Imran Ahmed Shah (via governance Mailing List)
governance at lists.riseup.net
Tue Nov 5 23:26:10 EST 2019
Dear Sheetal and Bruna,
Thanking you for conducting the Survey (with the IGC Members) to identify the priority of the important tasks and actionable items for the organization of IGC. Revision of the Charter, CS representation & engagement in discussion with at key IG Forums, supporting statement on HLP Report, annual meeting are important areas to be considered on priority.
I will arrange to fill up survey very soon.
(However, can someone submit multiple copies to add further suggestions, using same link and identifying same name?)
Best Regards
Imran Ahmed Shah
On Thursday, 31 October 2019, 23:32:19 GMT+5, Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org> wrote:
Dear all,
I hope everyone is well. I'm writing here with a few updates from our end.
First, we are in the process of organising the day 0 event at the IGF. There is a dedicated thread for this, called "IGF 2019 Civil society pre-event: planning and preparation" where next week I will follow up with more information/requests for support. Thanks to those who have already inputted and volunteered to help on the day!
Second, very few people were available for an information-sharing call so that didn't happen. Instead, I have put together a survey, drawing on an email Salanieta sent around a couple of weeks ago, and where you can share your ideas on what IGC should be prioritising over the next 12 months and also what you would find useful in terms of internal communications. The survey is only 8 questions long and won't take more than 5-10 minutes of your time. It will help us shape our priorities and feed into the day 0 event so please do fill it out by 06 November: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/92WS6TN
Third, the tech team is meeting online next week to discuss priorities and I will update you following our call with any relevant information.
Finally, you will shortly be receiving an email regarding the "appeals team process" from Bruna, so keep an eye out for that!
As ever, any questions - let us know!
On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 at 13:47, Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org> wrote:
Dear all,
Hello from your co-cos! In case you're wondering what we're up to...Bruna and I are prioritising the following activities over the next few weeks:
- Organising the day 0 event (November 25th) at the global IGF in Berlin
- Update: There is a dedicated thread for organising the civil society pre-event which has been set up, and we're currently discussing what could be on the agenda. We'll return to you soon with some ideas for your feedback and the broader involvement of everyone on the list so that everyone can help shape the event!
- Setting up an appeals team
- Update: You'll be receiving an email soon from Bruna about the process for setting up and selecting an appeals team, and a 'Nomcom' as part of that. We will need volunteers so please look out for this email!
- Information sharing call
- Update: We were thinking of having a bi-monthly catch up call with everyone to share information on what's happening with IGC. In particular, this will be an opportunity to ask questions, check in with what's going on on the list and make suggestions. We wanted to try the idea out at first with a call at the end of this month. Please fill in the doodle: https://www.doodle.com/poll/bnza3qxdw89w8cee
Note, the doodle is timezone enabled and I am aware that the times indicated do not work for everyone, so if you have any ideas of how we can work around this going forward, particularly if we have these calls on a regular basis do let us know!
- Technical aspects (website, list etc)
- Update: We'll be in touch next week with those who have been involved in running the technical aspects of IGC in the past to make sure everyone who has been involved is happy to continue in their current roles/how responsibilities can be allocated going forward.
Should you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to let us know.
BestBruna & Sheetal
Sheetal KumarProgramme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITALSecond Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JLT: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603 DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
Sheetal KumarProgramme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITALSecond Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JLT: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603 DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31|
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