[governance] Idea of Instant Messaging for IGCaucus

Daniel Pimienta pimienta at funredes.org
Mon Jul 29 08:33:32 EDT 2019

> Email is still the major tool for communication that needs to be
> recorded and accessible. I don't really see what additional benefits
> or functionality IM would bring

Yes and if you want to increase the entropy (which is already quite 
high) of this place and make it still less professional switch from 
asynchronous communication (email) to synchronous (IM)...

If you want to make search and retrieval of past communications almost 
impossible destroying the human capital created, go ahead and use 
whatsapp or equivalent.

If you want to give away this capital to private companies this is also 
the right move.

The fact that professional communication has been threatened by the 
success of social networks and synchronous communication, especially in 
the youngest generation, is not a good argument in a professional 
context to open the room to amplify the disaster.

Of course groups of members can use on request in special circumstances 
synchronous channels but discussion lists remain one of the few place 
left for professional use and need to be preserved in a general context 
where communication has degenerated  into information retrieval with 
private third parties deciding the destination to amplify their 
advertisement benefits.

The real issue, beyond asynchronous,  is who controls the communication: 
us or somebody else.

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