[governance] IGC Membership [Restoring Archives and other related matters]

Fouad Bajwa (via governance Mailing List) governance at lists.riseup.net
Sat Jul 20 02:19:22 EDT 2019

The challenge of engagement is that no sharing happens anymore about what
happens at the MAG Open Consultations, IGF, related venues, our drafting
activities, joint statement preparations etc. We've somehow gone quiet on a
lot of things possible because our dear movers and shakers are engaged and



On Fri, 19 Jul 2019, 5:10 pm "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro", <
governance at lists.riseup.net> wrote:

> Dear All,
> According to Akinremi's email in another thread, there are 665 persons
> subscribed to the IGC which sounds correct to me.
> As the website restoration team gather and consolidate content, things
> will be more visible.
> Kind Regards,
> Sala
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019, 8:13 am Chaitanya Dhareshwar, <chaitanyabd at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Sala. I agree on point #5, personally, I've been a lurker since
>> 2014-sometime but try to read as many of the messages as possible (across
>> the fora that I participate in).
>> I am looking forward to #9 - how to continue my participation (albeit
>> passive).
>> I'm writing mainly to address point #4 - because a decrease in the
>> coordinator's confidence in the list can undermine the integrity & life of
>> the list... Bruna, it's worth noting that many valuable participants may
>> not remain consistently active, but are still participants who greatly
>> value the list and what it means to be a part of it.
>> Best regards,
>> Chaitanya
>> On Fri 19 Jul, 2019, 12:20 "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro", <
>> governance at lists.riseup.net> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>>    1. I remember that at one stage, the membership list was between 80
>>>    to 100 or even more.
>>>    2. Traditionally, the list of members have always been published
>>>    including those who had voted in previous elections.
>>>    3. Obviously, this information will have to be pieced from Archives.
>>>    4. It worried me that Bruna had mentioned that in her mind if there
>>>    were elections there would only be 5 people voting and I assume she based
>>>    that on the number of people she saw commenting.
>>>    5. There are many who lurk, merely observe and are not engaged
>>>    unless something interests them or catches their attention to participate.
>>>    6. To this end the challenge for IGC Leadership is to ensure that
>>>    every member is engaged.
>>>    7. I would like to ask Bruna to start working on getting the list of
>>>    members and identify those that voted in the last elections.
>>>    8. This may already exist in the Archives.
>>>    9. Also information on how to subscribe to the IGC and commit to
>>>    following its charter.
>>>    10. Parminder had highlighted the cooling period between when one
>>>    joins and when one participates.
>>>    11. If anyone has any questions or issues about membership, suggest
>>>    they raise it here.
>>>    12. When the website goes up, it will obviously be easier to
>>>    subscribe individually.
>>> Best Wishes
>>> --
>>> *Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro aka Sala T*
>>> *P. O. Box 17862*
>>> *Suva*
>>> *Republic of Fiji*
>>> *Cell: +679 7656770; *
>>> *Home: +679 3362003*
>>> *Twitter: @SalanietaT*
>>> *"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the
>>> greatest quality of the mind next to honour." Aristotle*
>>> ---
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>>> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
>> ---
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