[governance] What Ethos isn't doing, was PIR and ETHOS Convene Community Webinar on 12/19

John Levine icggov at johnlevine.com
Tue Dec 17 12:04:56 EST 2019

In article <CAA5eo1LrNQc79CL2SpDiyc1wq8f6otEJTw8gd740B=Ew4e+rQw at mail.gmail.com> you write:
>A sale will result in the destabilization of .ORG and the 10 million
>registrants and risks destroying ISOC in the process.

I understand you keep saying this, but there remains not a shred of
evidence behind it.

All the arguments boil down to they MIGHT do this, or they MIGHT do
that.  Sure they might, but by that argument, since none of us can see
into each other's souls, the current PIR management MIGHT do any of
the same things and the PIR and ISOC boards MIGHT agree.  All we can
do is look at motivations and costs and benefits.

Here's some unanswered questions: why shouldn't we believe that Ethos
is doing exactly what they say they are doing, putting money into a
well respected business with good cash flow that's uncorrelated with
the stock market*?

Or if, totally hypothetically, Ethos' publicity shy investors wanted
to harass some non-profits, why would they choose this incredibly high
profile and inefficient way to do so that would send their billion
dollar investment down to zero?


* - Being uncorrelated is a good thing for investments.

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