[governance] WEBCAST Thu-Sat: Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum #APrIGF2017

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Thu Jul 27 01:47:22 EDT 2017

Small correction: Bangkok is UTC+7

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 1:42 AM, Joly MacFie <joly at punkcast.com> wrote:

> This is underway. I'd like to point you to video of the opening plenary
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3FWMwc4NnQ> moderated by Raj Singh,
> however it has has been blocked, in the USA at least, because of a
> copyright claim by Sony Japan.This, incidentally, is one reason ISOC
> continues to use livestream.con - no ContentID!
> [image: ApriIGF2017] <https://2017.aprigf.asia/>On *Thurs-Sat April 27-29
> 2017* the *Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum
> <https://2017.aprigf.asia/>* (AprIGF) takes place at Chulalongkorn
> University, *Bangkok, Thailand*. Asia Pacific Regional Internet
> Governance Forum (APrIGF) is a multi-stakeholder platform for public policy
> on internet and its impact on society. Since 2010, this prime annual
> conference draws in discussions and incubates collaborations for the
> developments of universally affordable, accessible, non-discriminated,
> secure and sustainable internet across the region. Discussion points from
> APrIGF are linked to the global Internet Governance Forum. The conference
> program consists of three parts: the “pre-event” meetings, the “*core
> conference <https://2017.aprigf.asia/program/>,*” and the “*Youth IGF
> Camp <https://2017.aprigf.asia/yigf>*.” Plenaries are being webcast live
> via *YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrxHtlooySDPCQq9WWLSPJQ>*.
> Also live transcription and remote participation is available via Adobe
> Connect.
> *What: Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum 2017
> <https://2017.aprigf.asia/>Where: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
> ThailandWhen: Thurs-Sat April 27-29 2017 (UTC+*
> *​7*
> *)Agenda: https://aprigf2017.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/aprigf2017_program-agenda_0726.pdf
> <https://aprigf2017.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/aprigf2017_program-agenda_0726.pdf>Webcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrxHtlooySDPCQq9WWLSPJQ
> <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrxHtlooySDPCQq9WWLSPJQ>Grand Hall
> 212 Adobe Connect <https://participate.icann.org/aprigf1/> | Scribe
> <http://igf.asia/room212-aprigf1-scribe>Workshop Room 202 – Adobe Connect
> <https://participate.icann.org/aprigf2/> | Scribe
> <http://igf.asia/room212-aprigf2-scribe>Workshop Room 207 – Adobe Connect
> <https://participate.icann.org/aprigf3/> | Scribe
> <http://igf.asia/room212-aprigf3-scribe>Workshop Room 208 – Adobe Connect
> <https://participate.icann.org/aprigf4/> | Scribe
> <http://igf.asia/room212-aprigf4-scribe>Twitter:
> #ApriIGF2017 http://bit.ly/ApriIGF2017 <http://bit.ly/ApriIGF2017>*
> Comment <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9297#respond>    See all comments
> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9297#comments>
> *​Permalink*
> http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9297
> ​​
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 <(218)%20565-9365> Skype:punkcast
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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