[governance] Joint CS meeting pre IGF 2017
chlebrum .
chlebrum at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 09:49:59 EDT 2017
Hi Arsène ,
Myself and Louis Pouzin will be in Geneva from Sunday, December 17
afternoon until December 22 afternoon.
It will be a pleasure to see all with JNC Colleagues, but actually you must
block dedicated time and place right now because schedules of each other
may be charged a lot..
Chantal Lebrument
Courriel: chlebrum at gmail.com
Mob: +33 6 8369 5460
> Le 26 juil. 2017 à 09:08, Arsène Tungali <arsenebaguma at gmail.com> a écrit
> Dear colleagues,
> As some of you will recall, there was a joint civil society meeting that
was done ahead of the IGF in Mexico where groups such as the APC, Just Net
Coalition, NCSG, Best Bits and the IGC met to discuss some civil society
questions and a way to get ready for the main IGF that started later on in
> I cannot remember how many of the IGC members were there but a good
number of civil society folks were. This meeting was considered as a place
for CS groups to consider their challenges and get ready for a common voice
during the IGF. Did we reach this objective, among others that were casted?
> We have started discussing a possibility of having another CS day ahead
of the IGF in Geneva and wanted to know what's the feeling here, whether we
(IGC) should be part of this initiative this year again.
> Please do feel free to share any thoughts, concerns, directions that will
help me to better represent the IGC in those discussions. What issues do
you think CS folks should discuss? How should we get ready for the upcoming
IGF? Note that we will need to define an agenda, call for
speakers/participants, etc.
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Regards,
> Arsene
> -----------------
> Arsène Tungali,
> about.me/ArseneTungali
> +243 993810967
> GPG: 523644A0
> Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
> Sent from my iPhone (excuse typos)
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