[governance] [Internet Policy] RootsAction: Like it or not (and we don't), they could destroy the world

srajukanumuri srajukanumuri at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 04:24:15 EDT 2017

Dear one and all .

 Last seven years globally it really disturbing with wars for resources ,
oil and gas ,
 crony capitalists looting banks ( global banking bankruptcy ) , Knowledge
 ( china etc ) , Drugs and lastly all governments trying to control their
own citizens
 and social media getting used to reach other countries falls ( great march
in Egypt)
 and making ICT as cyber war to kill economies with fake news with
 media ,Internet, news 's companies which lead to all developing countries
 poverty and also most all middle class poor suffering.

 USA / RUSSIA  fragmented geo political issues made china occupy Tibet and
 Indian lands and also making pakistan and other rouge countries as their
 to reach its foot print all over the world the same way BRITISH and other
 rulers / countries occupied other countries. Recent brit ext is classic
example and using
 terrorism to impact voters and also becoming common hidden cold war
model's in the form
 of new Burka - cyber war's and hate politics . Divide and rule.

 From last 70 years India is facing terrorism and other forms of proxy
war's. now other parts
 of world are getting impacted. There is no good and bad.

China last 6 months threatening India , stopped Hindu's famous mansarovar /
muount kilash pilgrimage and also threatening to occupy other Indian lands
and also liberate skkim etc
all china wars with India is to loot TIBET and other parts where it can
control water and
also make Buddhism / Hinduism vanish as communists. Now world order in
place. TAIWAN ,
HONGKONG , VIETNAM. JAPAN etc countries are getting bully-ed with PAK ,
Silk route
projects etc.

Most of China GDP came with other countries opting for cheap goods and
others thinking that they can save billions of dollars they used this to
over come others to expand
even to Africa to kill animals ( elephants , Rhino's ) , Iron ore and other
precious metals the
same looting happened  from India to build Olympics stadiums with looted
IRON ore and
red sandal wood smugglers and lastly drugs. this story is every where with
script in different
forms and different news head lines Destabilized world ( south America ,
Africa ).

history is one way repeating making G - 20 countries fighting each other
for their own survival or to become top 7 countries rule rest of world in

Now once again weapons of mass cyber destruction is getting to play
role.Transmitting controlling people ( TCP) as Incompatible  politics ( IP
) are coming into effect to create new world order for destruction of Eco
system & ECHO between citizens of world who are humans living with animals
and trees water etc around them. Pollute every thing.

The day TIBET , HONG KONG and other occupied lands are liberated to
original owners from country levels to village levels than only world will
change thinking as one family from country to village levels.

world is flat distracting every body / killing every body with out self
growth self knowledge self sufficient self values etc

E - commerce , M - commerce is over now it is   " RSV -commerce "  Ransom
Surveillance Virus ware Commerce.

Good day to you all
kanumuri s raju

" We Connect human contacts "
" We  make net to think and act "
" Survival is h-commerce -human  commerce or human knowledge commerce based
on Bartering of knowledge Globally with out money as instrument "
kkkrkstrust <http://kkrkstrust.wordpress.com>   - Social and community
empowerment and support services
Create Green world: Share your Knowledge to make India Green  - Eco System
and self sustainability of world through communities and Internet
technologies collaboration knowledge collaboration commerce sustainable
smart villages to connect next 3.4 billion people.
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 4:59 AM, willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at riseup.net>

> For your information.
> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Betreff: Like it or not (and we don't), they could destroy the world
> Datum: Mon, 3 Jul 2017 13:37:00 -0400 (EDT)
> Von: RootsAction Team <info at rootsaction.org>
> Antwort an: info at rootsaction.org
> An: wube at gmx.net
> UPDATE: More than 10,000 people signed this urgent petition over the
> weekend. Please join them by signing and sharing!
> ______________
> What happens during the announced meeting between Donald Trump and
> Vladimir Putin in a few days, at the G-20 summit in Germany, could
> determine the fate of the Earth.
> The" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" continues to warn the world that
> *the hands of the risk-estimate "Doomsday Clock" have moved even closer to
> catastrophic midnight*. The dangers of global nuclear holocaust are
> increasing -- and a major factor is the rise of tensions between the United
> States and Russia.
> So, profoundly, this is not about Trump or Putin. *This is about whether
> relations between the two nuclear-weapons superpowers will continue to spin
> out, worsening the risks of military confrontation.* This is about whether
> the young people we love -- and so many others around the world -- will
> have a future. And whether subsequent generations will even exist.
>  *If you want to express support for seeking détente instead of boosting
> U.S.-Russian tensions, please click here to sign a petition with a vital
> message for Trump and Putin.* [ https://act.rootsaction.org/p/
> dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=12985 ]
> "
> "To: President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump"
> We vehemently urge you to take a constructive approach to your planned
> meeting at the G-20 summit. Whatever our differences, we must reduce rather
> than increase the risks of nuclear war. The future of humanity is at stake."
> To read about the "Doomsday Clock," please click on a Background link at
> the bottom of this email.
> After signing the petition, *please use the tools on the next webpage to
> share it with your friends*.
> -- The RootsAction.org Team
> Share this action on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/Roots
> Action/photos/a.190111267690401.43547.170004579701070/159405
> 0773963103/?type=3&theater ]
> Share this action on Twitter [ http://bit.ly/2sxpXcv ]
> P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower,
> Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi
> Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James
> Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar,
> and many others.
> Background:
>> "AFP:" Trump to Meet Putin at G-20, Seek "More Constructive" Ties [
>> https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-meet-putin-g20-seek-more-
> constructive-ties-183200130.html ]
>> "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:" Doomsday Clock [
>> http://thebulletin.org/timeline ]
>> Norman Solomon, "The Nation: "Fifty Years Later, Rekindle the
>> "Spirit of Glassboro" [ https://www.thenation.com/arti
> cle/fifty-years-later-rekindle-the-spirit-of-glassboro/ ]
>> Robert David English, "Foreign Affairs: "Russia, Trump, and a New
>> Détente [ https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russian-federation/
> 2017-03-10/russia-trump-and-new-d-tente ]
> http://www.rootsaction.org
> _______________________________________________
> To manage your ISOC subscriptions or unsubscribe,
> please log into the ISOC Member Portal:
> https://portal.isoc.org/
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