[governance] My tribute to Robert W Taylor dies aged 85

Baudouin SCHOMBE b.schombe at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 06:02:55 EDT 2017

It is with great consternation that I just read and share this information
with my colleagues and collaborators.

All our sincere condolences.



*ISOC Member*
Téléphone mobile:+243998983491/+243813684512
email                  : b.schombe at gmail.com
skype                 : b.schombe
blog                    : http://akimambo.unblog.fr

2017-04-17 5:35 GMT+02:00 srajukanumuri <srajukanumuri at gmail.com>:

> Dear Friends ,
>  Let us pay tribute to Sri  Robert W Taylor one of internet pioneer who
> changed life's of millions of people world and also created millions
> of Enterprising humans innovators open innovators, internet messiahs who
> looked for humanity but not to become billionaire ,
> Forbes top billionaire etc
> No one can prepare us / your family members / friends around you all these
> years for a loss; it comes like a swift in eco system where we humans part
> of nature. However, take comfort in knowing that you are now resting in the
> arms of god , Services to humanity as tech angle to remember for ever and
> also see you born some where as little child prodigy to create new
> innovations which can make humans to live in peace and prosperity. - AMEN.
> My deepest condolences to his family members. RIP.
> internet-computer-pioneer-robert-w-taylor-passes away
> <http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-16/internet-computer-pioneer-robert-w-taylor-dies/8446648>
> thanking you all.
> kanumuri s raju
> " We Connect human contacts "
> " We  make net to think and act "
> " Survival is h-commerce -human  commerce or human knowledge commerce
> based on Bartering of knowledge Globally with out money as instrument "
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------
> kkkrkstrust <http://kkrkstrust.wordpress.com>   - Social and community
> empowerment and support services
> Create Green world: Share your Knowledge to make India Green  - Eco System
> and self sustainability of world through communities and Internet
> technologies collaboration knowledge collaboration commerce sustainable
> smart villages to connect next 3.4 billion people.
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