[governance] CCG Report: Indian stakeholders at IG fora (2011-2015)

Chinmayi Arun chinmayiarun at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 15:06:50 EDT 2016

*Apologies for cross posting*

Dear All,

This is to share our first report on India’s engagement with Global
Internet Governance institutions
The report is authored by my colleagues Puneeth Nagaraj and Aarti Bhavana.
It analyses Indian stakeholders’ participation in the WSIS+10 review, ICANN
and the IGF MAG over five years (2011-2015).

This report reveals interesting trends. One is that Indian engagement with
these processes is on the rise, although it is still impeded by a lack of
resources. The other interestingly, is that the Indian private sector
participates very little when compared to other stakeholders.

We plan to cover more institutions in our next round of research and would
be grateful for your feedback. I hope that you will write to me, or to my
colleagues (puneeth.nagaraj at nludelhi.ac.in and aarti.bhavana at nludelhi.ac.in)
with any comments or questions that you might have.

Warm regards,


Chinmayi Arun | Executive Director

Centre for Communication Governance | National Law University, Delhi
| Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078 | Cell: (+91) 971-770-2630 | Fax:
(+91) 11-280-34256 | www.ccgdelhi.org .  <http://goog_561379142/>
www.nludelhi.ac.in | Twitter: @chinmayiarun <https://twitter.com/CCGDelhi>
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