<div dir="ltr"><i>Apologies for cross posting</i><br><br>Dear All,
<p style="text-align:justify"></p><p style="text-align:justify"> This is to
share<a href="http://ccgdelhi.org/doc/%28CCG-NLU%29%20Multistakeholderism%20in%20Action%20-%20Analysing%20Indian%20Engagement%20at%20Global%20Internet%20Governance%20Institutions%20%282011-15%29.pdf"> our first report on India’s engagement with Global Internet Governance institutions</a>. The report is authored by my colleagues Puneeth
Nagaraj and Aarti Bhavana. It analyses Indian stakeholders’ participation in
the WSIS+10 review, ICANN and the IGF MAG over five years (2011-2015). </p>
<p style="text-align:justify">This report reveals interesting trends. One is
that Indian engagement with these processes is on the rise, although it is
still impeded by a lack of resources. The other interestingly, is that the Indian
private sector participates very little when compared to other
stakeholders. </p>
<p style="text-align:justify">We plan to cover more institutions in our next
round of research and would be grateful for your feedback. I hope that you will
write to me, or to my colleagues (<a href="mailto:puneeth.nagaraj@nludelhi.ac.in" target="_blank">puneeth.nagaraj@nludelhi.ac.i<wbr>n</a>
and <a href="mailto:aarti.bhavana@nludelhi.ac.in" target="_blank">aarti.bhavana@nludelhi.ac.in</a>)
with any comments or questions that you might have.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify">Warm regards,</p>
<p style="text-align:justify">Chinmayi</p>
<p style="text-align:justify">Chinmayi Arun | Executive Director</p>
<p style="text-align:justify">Centre for Communication Governance | National
Law University, Delhi | Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078 | Cell:
(+91) <a href="tel:971-770-2630" target="_blank" value="+19717702630">971-770-2630</a> |
Fax: (+91) 11-280-34256 | <a href="http://www.ccgdelhi.org/" target="_blank">www.ccgdelhi.or<wbr>g</a> .<a href="http://goog_561379142/" target="_blank"> </a><a href="http://www.nludelhi.ac.in/" target="_blank">www.nludelhi.ac.in</a> |
Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/CCGDelhi" target="_blank">@chinmayiarun</a></p>