[governance] RSVP: Is the Internet Fragmenting? Part 2: The Technical Lens
Mueller, Milton L
milton at gatech.edu
Fri Jun 3 18:52:58 EDT 2016
Is the Internet Fragmenting?
Part 2: The Technical Lens
Please join Microsoft and the Greater Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-DC) for Part 2 of our series on Fragmentation, “Is the Internet Fragmenting? The Technical Lens” at the Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center on Wednesday, June 15. Stakeholders from government, industry, the technical community, civil society, and other organizations will examine how technology choices are fragmenting the Internet and the role of technology in business and policy decisions.
This event is Part 2 of a four-part series of dialogues organized in response to recent developments related to the Internet that have prompted alarming questions about whether it is fragmenting. They include a diverse set of technical, economic, and policy developments and decisions that have been taken in response to the continued growth and globalization of the Internet and its evolving role as critical infrastructure for the digital economy. Taken together, they raise an overarching concern on whether the global Internet may be fragmenting from a universal system due to the intended or unintended consequences of technical, commercial, and/or political decisions taken without full consideration of their potential impact.
Wednesday, June 15th • 8:30 am – 10:00 am • Light refreshments provided.
Dr. David Farber <https://www.internetsociety.org/node/380646>
Adjunct Professor of Internet Studies and Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Micaela Klein<https://www.linkedin.com/in/micaela-klein-7b575b23>
Internet Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of State
Eliot Lear <https://ch.linkedin.com/in/eliotlear>
Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems
Dr. Milton Mueller <http://www.internetgovernance.org/people/milton-mueller/>
Author & Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology School of Public Policy
Suzanne Woolf<https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzanne-woolf-098b7731>
Internet infrastructure consultant, Member of Internet Architecture Board, Liaison to ICANN Board of Directors for the Root Server System Advisory Committee
Dr. M-H. <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhcarolynn> Carolyn Nguyen<https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhcarolynn> - Moderator
Technology Policy Strategist, Microsoft
CLICK TO RSVP<https://istheinternetfragmentingpart2thetechnicallens.eventfarm.com/invite/7fff2327-0000-4575-a1f9-8b00c67d0ae2?m=NTc1MWZjYjcyZWY4NDg1MTkwNGYzM2E3NGIxNzlmNjcuMTQ2NDk5MDkwMyAgICAg>
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #NetFrag
Event Location: Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center
901 K Street, NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20001
This event has been planned to comply with the requirements of the Legislative and Executive Branch gift rules. Executive Branch personnel wishing to attend should consult with their designated Agency Ethics Office.
Presented in Partnership with
© 2016 Event Farm, Inc.,
2403 Main Street, Santa Monica, California, 90405
All rights reserved
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