[governance] CSCG membership - comments sought
Louis Pouzin (well)
pouzin at well.com
Thu Mar 19 23:16:30 EDT 2015
Hi Ian,
Do you have in mind some large CS coalitions that could be an effective
increment to the CSCG ?
Best. Louis.
- - -
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 12:17 AM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
> I am writing this, purely as an individual, to get some feeling for how
> civil society members feel about expanding the membership of the Civil
> Society Coordination Group (CSCG).
> CSCG was established a few years ago as a conduit for the selection of
> civil society members to outside bodies. In the last 12 months, it has been
> successful in being recognised by bodies such as IGF, UNDESA, 1Net, and
> NMI. In particular, in last years MAG nominations, we were able to get
> significantly better representation than in previous years.
> There is no thought to expand the limited and specific scope of what CSCG
> does; it's mission is purely to work on selection of civil society members
> to outside bodies. But there has been discussions since its inception about
> its make up and how that might evolve.
> The current members of CSCG are NCSG, Best Bits, Just Net Coalition, IGC,
> and APC - all large coalitions of civil society groups and individuals, and
> all represented by busy individuals. Until recently, Diplo Foundation was
> also a member; however, while still very supportive of CSCG, they felt
> that, as they were not a civil society specific organisation nor a
> coalition, perhaps their membership was not appropriate as an organisation.
> My own role is as an independent chair for a fixed term. I am happy to
> continue facilitating processes where civil society representatives need to
> be chosen for outside bodies, but I am not in a position to carry out other
> tasks that would be useful for CSCG at this time - getting together a
> simple charter, a web presence, etc.
> It is these issues, plus the more overall question as to how we can best
> represent the diversity of civil society voices, that lead me to suggest
> that perhaps the group should be expanded to include say 2-3 individuals
> well respected people actively involved with civil society networks and
> organisations.
> I am interested in what people think of this idea. On the one hand, it
> would move CSCG away from the pure "coalition of coalitions" model; but on
> the other hand, it would allow the involvement of other organisations and
> individuals.
> Comments please. There are differing opinions within CSCG about this, I am
> interested in a wider consultation to see what the broader group thinks.
> If there was broad support for moving in this direction, I would imagine
> CSCG would conduct an Expressions of Interest (EOI) process to identify
> interested parties.
> Feel free to copy to other lists - but as I might not read them perhaps
> copy any suggestions back here or send to me directly.
> Ian Peter
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