[governance] Managing the Internet in the Public Interest

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Fri Feb 27 14:29:33 EST 2015

On Thu, 26 Feb 2015 19:33:05 +0200
Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org> wrote:

> Also, there was a trade off as there often is in such drafting
> processes, and I felt that 'managed in the public interest' was
> significant.
> Yes, it is vague, but it is important. As a principle it means it has
> to be discussed and decisions and decision-makers have to demonstrate
> how they are serving the public good.

I certainly agree that this is important, especially given that very
many people (unfortunately!) do not at all see it as self-evident that
this should be so for the Internet which after all consists in some way
mostly of privately-owned components.

That said, I think the bigger part of the problem is going to be to
convince enough people to take these words (or any roughly equivalent
words in any other document) serious.

In fact I believe that the path towards that will likely have to consist
not primarily in wordsmithing, but in the kind of activities that I have
referred to in my recent blogpost "The Internet Social Forum and a
Vision for Actually Achieving The Internet That We Want",
http://sustainability.oriented.systems/isf-vision/ .


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