[governance] WSIS+10 speakers
Carlos Afonso
ca at cafonso.ca
Wed Dec 16 12:01:59 EST 2015
Dear Ian,
I suggest we do not do that. First of all, Deborah is a natural
replacement for Anriette - I do not think she will do a speech diverging
in any way from what Anriette would do.
Second, we do not have issues with the choice of Mathew as you state
correctly, except for the fact that he is not from Tatiana's region. But
there is another civil society rep from the South listed, which is
Parminder (whatever the divergences of approach).
Third, I am sure that to do the replacement through our committee there
simply would not be enough time.
Finally, if we are failing to present the reps we chose, this is not the
fault of OPGA, it is our fault.
fraternal regards
On 16-12-15 04:04, Ian Peter wrote:
> We have just been informed that OPGA has made two changes to the civil society speakers nominated for WSIS+10. Tatiana Kapinga, who was unable to secure a US visa, and Anriette Esterhuysen, who was unable to stay to address the meeting, were replaced by Deborah Brown of APC and Matthew Shears of Center for Democracy and Technology.
> While not wishing to be critical of either of the people chosen, members of the Civil Society Selection Committee believe that, despite the short timeframe, it should have been consulted about these changes. In particular, we are concerned that the changes made by OGPA resulted in four of our five speakers being from WEOG areas. This lack of geographic balance is unfortunate, and could have been avoided.
> We will convey our disappointment to OPGA at a later stage, but wanted civil society networks to be aware of this issue.
> Ian Peter
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