[governance] Fwd: Reporting from the WSIS Review Meeting in New York
Ginger Paque
gpaque at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 07:24:05 EST 2015
You may find this helpful for keeping up with the WSIS+10 meetings in NY
today and tomorrow.
Summary (more detail below): *GIP Digital Watch* brings you daily reporting
from the UN General Assembly’s WSIS Review Meeting. Stay tuned to
for session reports, dailies, a summary report, and additional information
and analysis.
During breakfast (if you are in New York) or lunch (in Europe), you may
browse through WSIS Daily no. 1
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Dear colleagues,
*GIP Digital Watch* brings you daily reporting from the UN General
Assembly’s WSIS Review Meeting. Stay tuned to dw.giplatform.org/wsis10
session reports, dailies, a summary report, and additional information and
During breakfast (if you are in New York) or lunch (in Europe), you may
browse through WSIS Daily no. 1
which includes:
- An overview and detailed up-to-date timeline of the WSIS+10 process
- Reports from the side-events held yesterday
- Sentiment analysis of the WSIS+10 Outcome Document
- And as usual, something just for fun!
WSIS Daily no. 2 will be available tomorrow morning, and the final summary
report on Fridaymorning.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to your feedback at
digitalwatch at diplomacy.edu.
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