[governance] Re: [discuss] ITU - Internet related Resolutions

Sivasubramanian M isolatedn at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 09:33:01 EDT 2014

I am curious to know why Brazil is on the side of Russia, despite embracing
the multi-stakeholder model, demonstrated recently by Dilma Roussef's
support for NetMundial and despite the proven success of nic.br's
multi-stakeholder model, despite the benevolent influence of Brazilian
Community Leaders like Harmut Glaser. What caused Brazil to be part of IBSA
and why is it on the wrong side?

Sivasubramanian M <https://www.facebook.com/sivasubramanian.muthusamy>

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Bill Woodcock <woody at pch.net> wrote:

> > On Oct 26, 2014, at 4:43 PM, Adam <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> wrote:
> > Is Saudi speaking for a large block of countries?
> In so far as lines are drawn, here’s what I’ve observed this evening:
> On one side:
> The Internets
> United Kingdom
> Bulgaria
> Japan
> Canada
> Australia
> Ghana
> Nigeria
> New Zealand
> Grenada
> On the other side:
> Saudi Arabia
> Argentina
> Brazil
> Paraguay
> Oman
> Russia
> Wildcard:
> India
> Helpful grammar authoritarians, who are striving to make evil documents at
> least marginally intelligible:
> Bulgaria
> Sweden
> Meeting concluded with an admonishment by the chair to Saudi Arabia to
> consider limiting its contributions to ones which “reflect present reality.”
> The Internet-issues ad-hoc reconvenes at 18:00 on Wednesday, unless the
> secretariat is able to find an earlier time.
> Fact-checking the idiocy that’s spouted in this room is surprisingly
> difficult, given 85% packet loss getting out of the building.  One could be
> cynical about that, but I’ll resist the urge.
>                                 -Bill
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